Timeline on cancer

  • Surgery to remiove tumors

    Anesthesia becomes widely available. Surgery to remove tumors takes off.
  • Invents X-ray

    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen invents X-rays. Radiation therapy follows.
  • Viruses and cancer

    Many more viruses and caner was discovered at this time
  • A chemical in the mustard gas used to reduce white blood cells.

    A chemical in the mustard gas used during World War I is found to reduce white blood cells.
  • First Leukemia pateint

    Chemotherapy records its first, though temporary, success with the remission of a pediatric leukemia patient.
  • Findings related to DNA give rise to molecular biology.

    Findings related to DNA give rise to molecular biology.
  • Reports link between smoking and cancer

    A U.S. Surgeon General's report estabishes an undeniable link between smoking and cancer.
  • President Nixon signs the National Cancer Act.

    President Nixon signs the National Cancer Act.
  • Development of computer tomography

    The development of computed tomography revolutionizes radiology.
  • Shows chromosome in those with cancer

    Janet Rowley, M.D., shows chromosome abnormalities in those with cancer.
  • FDA approves first vaccine

    FDA approves the first vaccine against hepatitis B, one of the primary causes of liver cancer.
  • overall cancer death rates fall

    For the first time, overall cancer death rates begin to fall.
  • The FDA approves Gleevec

    The FDA approves Gleevec, the first drug to target a specific gene mutation.
  • Targeted cancer therapy

    Many more cancer thearpy places around the U.S
  • cancer survivors reach 12 million

    Cancer survivors reach 12 million, a fourfold increase since 1971 and a 20 percent increase since 2001.