Timeline on Ancient Europe

By rhu-20
  • 285

    Rome is split into two regions by Diocletian

    Rome is split into two regions by Diocletian
    Diocletian makes a decision to split Rome into two regions, a Western Rome and and Eastern Rome. He knew that ruling over such a large empire was much too difficult, so he split it into two to manage it easier.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    This document was written by Emperor Constantine, and it declared that Christians were no longer to be persecuted or abused. It gave back many rights to the followers, and helped spread the religion.
  • 325

    Nicene Creed

    Nicene Creed
    It is an universally accepted document of the Christian faith. It was first adopted by the Council of Nicea, and helped unify followers of the Christian faith.
  • 410

    The Sacking of Rome by Germanic Tribes

    The Sacking of Rome by Germanic Tribes
    The great city of Rome was sacked by the Visigoths led by King Alaric. It was a historical moment, shocking friends and foes alike, and despite this, Rome remained a historical city.
  • 413

    Theodosius II builds wall around Constantinople, making it the center of Byzantine Empire

    Theodosius II builds wall around Constantinople, making it the center of Byzantine Empire
    Theodosius II, the emperor of the Byzantine emperor, or the new Eastern Rome Empire, fortifies the new capital, Constantinople. He establishes it as the new center of Rome.
  • Period: 481 to Mar 29, 752

    Clovis and The Merovingian Dynasty

    A timespan of the reign of Clovis and the effect of the dynasty under him.
  • 511

    Reign of Clovis

    Clovis is one of the kings who united all of Gaul under Merovingian rule, creating the Merovingian Empire.
  • 527

    Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

    Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire
    Justinian takes control of the New Eastern Rome Empire, or the Byzantine Empire. He begins to make many changes to its culture and affects the empire greatly.
  • 537

    Construction of the Hagia Sophia

    Construction of the Hagia Sophia
    The Hagia Sophia, Constantinople's greatest architectural achievement, is a church/cathedral, that was later converted into a mosque. It contained many advanced building techniques and is a major accomplishment.
  • Apr 28, 630

    Muhammad conquers Mecca

    Muhammad conquers Mecca
    After Muhammad made a treaty with the Anti Muslims, they broke it, causing him to react and take over Mecca. This gave him control of the religious area and allowed Muslims to make pilgrimages there.
  • Apr 28, 661

    Ali is murdered, causing split between Sunni and Shia

    Ali is murdered, causing split between Sunni and Shia
    Ali was the fourth Caliph to reign over the Muslims, and was assassinated in a mosque, being the third Caliph to be murdered. His death caused conflict on whether the Caliphs were the true rulers or not, creating the Sunni and Shia.
  • Apr 28, 732

    Umayyad Empire (the Battle of Tours)

    The Umayyad Empire was one of the four Caliphates established after the death of Muhammad. It vastly expanded and spread its influence until it was stopped by Charles Martel in Spain in the Battle of Tours.
  • Apr 28, 732

    Battle of Tours and Charles Martel

    The Islamic empire was expanding rapidly and when it attempted to enter Spain, it fought against Charles Martel's armies, who defeated them. This gave Martel power and kept Christianity as the main religion.
  • Apr 28, 750

    Abbasid Empire (Baghdad built as new capitol)

    One of the Caliphates created from Muhammads death. It originally centered around Kufa, but moved to Baghdad, making it the new capitol.
  • Period: Apr 28, 800 to Apr 29, 888

    Carolingian Dynasty

    the dynasty that came after the Merovingian dynasty. It was ruled by the Frankish kings.
  • Apr 28, 830

    Charlemagne and the Renaissance

    Under Charlemagnes rule, the empire under goed a renaissance, where the empire flourished. The education and culture of the Carolingian Empire was affected positively.