So far life is going good for me. Im ready for college and to get up out my parents house and start a life of my own .
Staying focus in school trying to do the best that i can do and get all I need to get done -
Imma be legal to drink and buy alchol imma still be in college ill be a junior by this time in good health still trying to make it in this world.
Not hanging with the wrong crowd in college and not being in situations that going to effect my health. -
I should be transferd to a school focusing mainly on the occupation im willing to persue living on my own somewhere in SC where the school im trasfered she be located.
Staying on task in college and acheiving all the goals that I had wrote down -
Now mainly focused on my future getting me a job thats going to support a family that Im going to have.
Having a bank account thats already set up is going to to help me with this. -
Have my own house, car, money and no support from anyone but my signicant other that would be all i need
Not making dumb decisions that can jepordize my life when it comes -
My children going to pre-k starting their life in school being on a path like their father.
Never fall of track with my dreams. -
Going to visit my family in Japan & having check ups to make sure my health is right.
Eating the right type of food and exercising -
Checking and making sure everything is good with my fam. Making sure all my children taken care of.
Having a good relation with my children and being a strong proud dad -
Imma still be working trying to make money and have money saved for my children aside.
Always keep putting money to side from when they are born -
Starting to by my children things that they would need such as a car that i didnt have at their age.
Have money put aside for them for purchases like so. -
Starting a new chapter with my signicant other and try new things with one another like going to exspensive places.
A bond between us thats unbreakable -
Start to write a will for my children have something to look back on when they are in a time of crisis.
Not letting my partner know about any of the plans about this. -
Putting my children in college and finatially helping all of them until they can help themselves. But theres a limit to my help.
Letting them all know that they do not have to stress about anything unlike i have to do at their age. -
Taking care of my health more than when i was younger and being more careful with the things that im doing
Staying on track with everything in my life -
Going on trips that I wasnt able to go on when i was younger and experience new and exciting things that the world has to offer
Making sure my back up account is good and has money in there to take out by that time -
Starting my retirement with the hospital. Having to start slowing down on my eveyday activities and hobbies that i have at that time
Keeping my job and not having any troubles with the workplace -
Getting a new smaller house nothing to big since it is just going to be two people in the house with no children
With the retirement money go down and move to a single or two bedroom home. -
The time for me to give back more than i did when i was younger and try to get rid of the clothes and shoes that i have in closet.
Keeping up with all of my clothes that i have. -
Getting regualr check ups at the hospital and staying up with my health more staying on track with a diet that imma need to have at that time.
Stating now keeping track of my health little by little.