Timeline of WWI

  • The assaccination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

    He was the heir of Austro-Hungarian Throne. He was visiting Sarajevo and was killed with his wife by Black Hand of Servia. The intention of the assaccination was to threaten Austria-Hungary to release its south-Slav provinces.
  • Period: to

    Timeline of WWI

    timeline of WWI
  • War declared on Serbia

    Franz Joseph, the Emperor of Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia for Archduke's death.
  • Russia involved!

    Russia, an ally of Serbia, enters the war for help.
  • Germany on war with Russia

    Germany jumps into the war for help for Austria-Hungary.
  • Germany on France!

    Germany declares war on France.
  • Germany on Belgium and thus Britain.

    Germany violates a treaty that guaranteed Belgian neutrality by invading Belgium. Upon the Britain's request for closing of the attack, Gemany replied that the treaty is closed. Thus, Britain declares war on Gemany.
  • Austria-Hungary on Russia and Serbia on Germany!

    Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia for helping Serbia and Serbia declared war on Germany for helping Austria-Hungary.
  • France on Austria-Hungary

    France declares war on Austria-Hungary.
  • Britain on Austria-Hungary.

    The United Kingdom declares war on Austria-Hungary, allied with Russia and France.
  • Japan on Germany

    Britain asks for help from Japan to destroy German's raidar. Japan, then, requested Germany to remove it but there was no answer. Thus, Japan declared war on Germany.
  • Gas Attack!!!

    At Second Battle of Ypres, gas attack was first used by Germany!
  • Germany on innocent vessels!

    German U-boats attack Luisiana, a merchandise ship, killing many civilians. This angers US.
  • Italy on Germany

    Italy joins the Allies: France, England and Russia. (later US)
  • Air raid attack!!

    Germany had the first air raid attack on London, hoping that it would keep the Britain force in their land.
  • USA on Germany

    German U-boats sunk too many USA vessels for no reason. Thus, USA, angered by the irrational action taken by Germany, declared war.
  • Canadian's victory!

    At the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the Canadian army had a big victory!!
  • The Allies' decision!

    The Allies decides to create a Supreme War Council at Versailles
  • a foreshadow of the end of war!

    Russia signs an armitice with Germany to achieve peace.
  • peace signed between Austria-Hungary and Italy.

    Austria-Hungary signed an armitice with Italy.
  • Germany surrenders!

    German evacuates Luxembourg.
  • Germany surrenders again!

    Germany surrenders again in Belgium.
  • Treay of Versailles

    It was taken in Paris at Paris Peace Conference. At the meeting, the Allies created peace terms for the defeated Central Powers. However, the terms were contradictory, leading to the second World War in future.
  • The League of Nations

    It was a result of the Paris Peace Conference. The purpose of the intergovernmental organization was to keep peace around the world. Whichever violates the peace would suffer from economic sanctions. However, the League lacked armed force and convincing reasons for other nations to stay in. Ultimately, Germany, Japan and many other nations fell out of the League. It foreshadows the beginning of another war.
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    The Central Powers signed the Treaty of Versailles. By signing this treaty, Germany suffered financial difficulty. The war was blamed on them as of the Versailles Reparations. Germany was to pay huge worth of money to the Allies.
  • The League's first general meeting.

  • Washington Naval Treaty

    The Treaty limits naval development in countries. It was signed by France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • Period: to


    WWII timeline~
  • Hitler begins his slaughter of Jewish population.

    Hitler begins his slaughter of Jewish population.
    As soon as Hitler comes into power, he decides to get rid of Jewish people, who are not pure blood. http://www.city-data.com/forum/attachments/politics-other-controversies/47291d1250650790-woman-yells-heil-hitler-jewish-man-hitler.jpg
  • The Allies against Germany.

    The Allies against Germany.
    Germnay violates the premise of not mobilizing any military action. This threatens the Allies. France, Britain and CAnada declare war on Germany. http://incogman.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/AlliedGang-vs-Germany.png
  • Germany attacks France!

    Germany attacks France!
    Germany invades France after invading Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. http://olive-drab.com/gallery/photos/101abdiv_naziflag_sm.jpg
  • Italy allies with Germany!

    Italy allies with Germany!
    Italy declares war on France and Britain. http://www.ushmm.org/lcmedia/photo/wlc/image/80/80504.jpg
  • War in the air begins in Britain!

    Canadian pilots help in Britain!
  • Russia joins Germany!

    Russia joins Germany!
    Germany succeeds in attacking Russia that surrenders and joins the Axis! http://www.pbs.org/behindcloseddoors/timeline/images/3b12442u_lrg.jpg
  • Japan joins Germany, Italy and Russia!

    Japan joins Germany, Italy and Russia!
  • Canadian being recognized!

    In Britian, where Canadian soldiers are trained and so, the first Canadian army is created by Gerneral McNaughton.
  • Japan officially in war action!

    Japan declares war on Britain and U.S.
  • Canada against Japan!

    Hong Kong, a colony of Britain, is defeated by Japan. In Hong Kong, there were many Canadian soldiers helping the war; they are soon prisoners by Japan.
  • Conscription voting in Canada!

    An interesting result happens. 80% of English Canadians vote for the conscription because they want to help Britain. On the other hand, French Canadians strongly disagree with it.
  • High casualty at the Dieppe port!

    High casualty at the Dieppe port!
    In order to evacuate French soil at the port of Dieppe, The Allies planned to attack the Germany army at the port. However, the plan was failed as the landing of the soldiers was even hard to achieve. Many Canadians died. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor_Japanese_planes_view.jpg/325px-Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor_Japanese_planes_view.jpg
  • Italy is defeated by the Allies.

    Mussolini surrenders to the Allies.
  • France is saved!

    After many trials of landing in France soil, the Allies finally saves France from the Axis.
  • The Allies succeed to take over the European enemies.

  • Nuclear bomb in Nagasaki

  • Japan is defeated!

  • The end of the Second World War!!

    The end of the Second World War!!