Timeline of ww

  • Adolf Hitler becomes chanellor 1933-1938

    Created following World War I. The first concentration camps were built by the state in 1933, housing political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other "dangerous" people.
  • 1939-1941 holocaust and germany backstab

    The Holocaust occurred within the larger framework of World War II. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Nazi Germany and its allies ruled most of Europe for the course of the following year. German authorities confiscated Jewish property, made them wear identification armbands in numerous locations, and set up ghettos and labor camps. Germany turned against its ally, the Soviet Union, in June 1941. sometimes enlisting the aid of local law enforcement and civilians.
  • The final solution

    Nazi Germany stepped up its pursuit of the "Final Solution" during a time of intensive warfare on the eastern and western fronts of World War II. Millions of Jews were systematically deported during this time to facilities where they were gassed to death in ever-more-effective ways. As the Germans and their Axis allies were driven back on both fronts at the end of the war in May 1945, Allied forces discovered the full scope of the Holocaust's crimes.
  • Before 1933

    destroyed Europe and gave rise to new nations. In the years that followed, the continent struggled to recover after tens of millions of soldiers and citizens were killed or injured, as well as after significant property and industrial damager