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Timeline of the titanic

  • Titanic

    The design for the titanic was approved.
  • Titanic

    The titanic was made and successfully launched. With 16 lifeboats on board.
  • Titanic

    Several ships were sent to the disaster site to recover bodies.
    A total of 328 bodies were found floating in the area, but many more were found later.
  • Titanic

    The titanic arrived in Southampton
  • Titanic

    The fitting of the titanic was completed
  • Titanic

    Titanic began sea trials.
  • Titanic

    The titanic set sail and began her maiden voyage.
  • Titanic

    The titanic reached queens town Ireland
  • Titanic

    Throughout the day seven iceberg warnings were received.
  • Titanic April 15, 1912 2:25 a.m.

    The titanic broke in half filling with water, and tilting high in the air before sinking. People in the water tried to swim for their lives but slowly froze to death.
  • Titanic April 15, 1912 at 12:00 a.m.

    Titanic April 15, 1912 at 12:00 a.m.
    The captain was told the ship can only stay afloat for a couple of hours. He gave the order to call for help over the radio.
  • Titanic April 15, 1912 at 12:25 a.m.

    Titanic April 15, 1912 at 12:25 a.m.
    The captain was ordered to uncover the lifeboats, there were only enough for half the people on board. The lifeboats were loaded with women and children first, and while they were loading, another boat southeast about 58 miles away started sailing to rescue passengers.
  • Titanic April 15, 1912 at 2:05 a.m.

    Titanic April 15, 1912 at 2:05 a.m.
    The last lifeboat left the ship, with over 1,500 people left on the ship. The titanic began to tilt a lot at this point
  • Titanic April 15, 1912 2:17 a.m.

    The last radio message was sent by the captain. The captain announced 'every man for himself'.
  • Titanic

    The Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS), held a meeting to help take safety precautions on vessels in the open water.
  • Titanic

    The International ice patrol(IIL) passed a law that states vessels cannot go through hazardous waters.
  • Titanic

    All vessels transporting lots of passengers has to always stay connected with at least 6 countries.
  • Titanic

    After the tragedy of the titanic everybody was deeply scared of the sea, so the government sent out ways to protect themselves at sea.
  • Titanic

    They figured out that a total of 1.503 people died on the titanic, including passengers and crew. There were a total of 2,208 people on board.