Timeline of the revolutions of the enlightenment

  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Thinkers

  • Publication of the Social Contract

    Publication of the Social Contract
    This was an important book written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In the book he argued that kings are not empowered by god to rule. That only people working together can form a goverment.
  • King Louis XVI becomes king

    King Louis XVI becomes king
    Louis was only 20 years old when his grandfather the King died. Louis then became king. He was immature and not really ready for the job. The country was in debt and people were beginning to resent the king, so his job was difficult.
  • Estates-General Meets

    Estates-General Meets
    This event consisted of an assembly that had three estates attend. This included of the clergy, nobility and commoners who had the decision on making new taxes, and to undertake reforms in the country. This event marked the start of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    This was an important event in the French Revolution. Members of the third estate gathered at an indoor sports court and refused to separate until a new constitution was created. Link
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    In Bastille, on east side of Paris there was a prison that was attacked and destroyed. At the time it only held seven prisoners. The group of people who had came angry, set of bombs and much more leaving the area in smoke and flames.
  • Beginning of the Great Fear

    Beginning of the Great Fear
    The great fear was a series of riots and panic by the people of france. The had heard rumors that the nobles and the king were trying to overthrow the 3rd estate. To calm the people down, the assembly introduced the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citiizen.
  • Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was passed in August 8, 1789. This document was from the French Revolution and it gave civil rights to some commoners. However this document excluded a big majority of the french population.
    Link - https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-worldhistory2/chapter/the-declaration-of-the-rights-of-man/#:~:text=The%20Declaration%20of%20the%20Rights%20of%20Man%20and%20of%20the,segment%20of%20the%20French%20population.
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

    Slaves in Haiti revolted and became the first country founded by former slaves
  • Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Dominque

    Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Dominque
    This was the first battle in the Haitian revolution. The slaves set fire to the plantation and revolted. There had been rumors that the King was going to grant rights to the slaves and that the white plantation owners were going to France to fight against this change. This rumor was not true, but it was the inspiration to revolt.
  • King Louis XVI executed by guillotine

    King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
    King Louis XVI was convicted by the national assembly of conspiracy with foreign powers and he was sentenced to death by guillotine At the time he was already removed from power by the national assembly. But they had found evidence that he was plotting with other countries to try to take back power.
  • Slavery is outlawed in the French colonies, including St. Domingue

    Slavery is outlawed in the French colonies, including St. Domingue
    In 1794 the National Convention if France outlawed slavery in all of its colonies. This was not done to be nice to the slaves and establish their rights. This was done because England was trying to take over the French colonies and France thought that the freed slaves would be willing to help them fight the English. link
  • The Directory takes control of France

    The Directory takes control of France
    The Directory was a 5 person committee that led the executive branch of the French government. The were appointed by the legislature . This government only lasted 4 years before it was overthrown by Napoleon [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Directory#:~:text=The%20Directory%20(also%20called%20Directorate,and%20replaced%20by%20the%20Consulate.)
  • War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue

    War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue
    This was a civil war between two groups in St. Domingue. The group from the north was led by a former slave. The group from the south was a free person of color. Both sides wanted control of the full country. link
  • New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over

    New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over
    The constitution of 1799 was approved by a popular vote of the french people. This created the government called the consulate and made Napoleon Bonaparte a dictator. link
  • Toussaint L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St.Dominique and is declared governor for life

    Toussaint L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St.Dominique and is declared governor for life
    L'ouverture was informed by Napoleon that there would be a new constitution for San Domingue. L'ouverture was worried that slavery would be brought back, so he made his own constitution that banned slavery. link
  • Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence

    Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence
    Dessalines was a general the fought for San Domingue against the French during the Haitian revolution. He came after L'ouverture. He was successful in defeating the French. He then declaimed haiti independent and changed the name from San Domingue to Haiti.
  • Period: to

    Revolutions of Latin and South America

  • Mexico declares independence from Spain

    Mexico declares independence from Spain
    Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was a priest in the city of Dolores. He inspired the people to launch a revolution against Spain. The war would last 11 years link
  • Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida Venezuela

    Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida Venezuela
    Bolivar arrived at Merida and declared himself "The Liberator" . He led the revolution and declared that any spanish person that was not supporting the revolution should be killed. [link](tthps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sim%C3%B3n_Bol%C3%ADvar)
  • Battle of Boyaca

    Battle of Boyaca
    This battle was fought as part of the wars to libertate Columbia and Venezuela from the spanish. This battle freed the area known as new Grenada. It was important and is considered to be the beginning of the freeing of most of the northern part of south america.
  • Peru declared independence

    Peru declared independence
    José de San Martín was from Argentina, but he was very active in trying to rid South America of Spanish rules. He invaded Peru and declared independence from Spain. He made himself
  • Gran Columbia formed

    Gran Columbia formed
    The Gran Columbia formed in 1821 in south america. They fought trying to unite the neighboring regions. They were lead by Simón Bolívar who is the Venezuelan military Liberator.