Timeline of the Revolutions of the Enlightenment

By Nora T
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Thinkers

  • Publication of the Social Contract

    Publication of the Social Contract
    A well know enlightenment thinker was Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Some of his ideas were that people were naturally good, and that society placed too many limits on what they could do. He was a supporter of democracy, believing that it was the best way to fit the needs of the people.The social contract to him was when people gave up some of their freedoms for protection. He put his ideas into his book "The Social Contract" which was published in 1762. More information at- http://bit.ly/3rG4qNK
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Estates-General Meets

    Estates-General Meets
    The Estates-General was a form of voting in France. Each estate got one vote. Religious leaders made up the first estate, the second consists of nobility and the third estate is made up of the other citizens. The Estates General was called when the nobles found out that they were going to be taxed. 98% of the taxes were payed by the third estate and the nobles payed none. The first and second estate voted together so the third estate would likely lose.
    More information at- http://bit.ly/3aYmJHk
  • Tennis Court Oath Taken

    Tennis Court Oath Taken
    After being locked out of the meeting hall by King Louis, and the first and second estates, the third estate decided to take matters into their own hands. They broke into an abandoned tennis court and swore to stay there until a new constitution was written. This event became known as the Tennis Court Oath and was a major event in the french revolution. More information at- http://bit.ly/3jMNx15
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    King Louis who was getting worried about his safety with the idea of revolution growing, sent out the Swiss Guard to protect him. The people however, did not see it that way. They believed that the Swiss Guard was there to kill them and they decided that they needed to protect themselves. They stormed an old prison and stole the weapons that were there. This event is important because it is seen as the start of the French revolution.
    More information at- http://bit.ly/2MT0bj2
  • Beginning of the Great Fear

    Beginning of the Great Fear
    King Louis XVI sent out an army to protect him, but the people saw them and thought that they were going to try and kill them. In defense they gathered weapons. The Great Fear began when the people started killing the members of the second estate or, the nobles, with the weapons that they had gathered. More information at- http://bit.ly/2NiWhjp
  • Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen followed a lot of the ideas from the United States Declaration of Independence. Its also included many ideas from enlightenment thinkers. Although it was in favor of the majority of the citizens of France, King Louis XVI was not a supporter of this. This event was a huge step in the French revolution. More information at- https://bit.ly/2MRjRnL
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

  • Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Domingue

    Slaves rise up on northern plantations of St. Domingue
    St. Domingue became very wealthy though their production of sugar. This wealth however, was created through the use of slaves. Dutty Boukman put together a slave rebellion with a group made up of ex-slaves, runaway slaves, and free blacks. In fear of being hurt or killed the Whites killed many slaves, in hopes of preventing the rebellion from growing. This event was the start of a long journey of fighting for their rights. More information at- http://bit.ly/3qhg8hp
  • Publication of Vindication of the Rights of Women

    Publication of Vindication of the Rights of Women
    Mary Wollstonecraft was part of a group of women who were fighting for their rights. As of then women were only given natural rights when with their family and at home. She believed that women should be able to care for themselves without needing their husbands. Her book "Vindication of the Rights of Women" argued that men and women should get an equal education in a step big towards women's rights. More information at- https://bit.ly/2NcW55g
  • King Louis XVI agrees with the Jacobin order to give equal political rights to free blacks and mulattoes

    King Louis XVI agrees with the Jacobin order to give equal political rights to free blacks and mulattoes
    In St. Domingue ex-slaves, and free blacks had been fighting for their rights. King Louis XVI did not give them the same rights as the white until April, 4, 1792. On this date Jacobin got him to agree to give equal political rights to free blacks and mulattoes. This was a big event for the rights of blacks. More information at- http://bit.ly/2Z8txwp
  • Spain declares war against England and later France for control of St. Domingue

    Spain declares war against England and later France for control of St. Domingue
    St. Domingue was France's wealthiest colony due to its sugar production. Because of this many others wanted to have control over it. both the English and the Spanish wanted to take over. L'Ouverture joined the Spanish but not for very long. He ended up switching to the French side to help push the Spanish and England out. In the end England was kicked out and Spain signed a treaty. More information at- http://bit.ly/3qb3alz
  • King Louis XVI executed by guillotine

    King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
    King Louis XVI was not popular among the revolutionary leaders and people. He tried to escape with his Wife and kids but was ultimately unsuccessful and ended up in prison. Only shortly after being captured King Louis XVI was the first of many to be executed in Robespierre's reign. More information at- http://bit.ly/2LI8vBE
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    Reign of Terror Begins
    The main leader of the reign of Terror was Robespierre. He was a radical revolutionary thinker. Under his control thousands of French citizens were executed, for being enemies of the revolution. Most of these people were innocent with little to no evidence against them. In the end Robespierre was arrested and executed which brought the Reign of Terror to a close. This event was very violent but important in the lead up to French independence. More information at- http://to.pbs.org/3bapdTd
  • The Directory takes control of France

    The Directory takes control of France
    After the fall of Robespierre a new group called the Directory took leader ship. The group consisted of five people and did many things to help France get back into order. They set up elite schools as well as help the economy to grow again. Peace was made with Prussia, while they continued their wars with England and Austria. Lots of the current problems in France were being addressed during this time. More information at- http://bit.ly/2ZaoNXd
  • War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue

    War of Knives begins for control of St. Domingue
    The War of Knives was a war over who would have control St. Domingue. On one side was a rebel leader, L’Ouverture. He had an army of ex-slaves. On the other side was Rigaud who was once L'Ouverture's ally, but now wanted control of the land. He had an army of well educated ex-slaves and free blacks who were wealthier than L'Ouverture. The war lasted for over a year but in the end L'Ouverture won and gained control of St. Domingue during this event.
    More information at- http://bit.ly/2MSOuZY
  • Napoléon Stages a Coup D’etat

    Napoléon Stages a Coup D’etat
    The Coup D'etat that Napoleon staged took down France's current form of government, the Directory. In its place was the Consulate which then turned to the the despotism of Napoleon Bonaparte. Similar to how the storming of Bastille symbolizes the start of the French revolution, Napoleon's Coup D'etat symbolizes the end. More information at- http://bit.ly/3pb3pvt
  • New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over

    New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over
    When the Revolution ended a new constitution was created. THis constitution kept the monarchy but they also had the Legislative Assembly which held a lot of the power. The Legislative Assembly was created in a form of voting. So this event was a step in the right direction towards democracy in France. More information at- http://bit.ly/378aabg
  • L’Ouverture is proclaimed Supreme Commander-in-Chief of St. Domingue

    L’Ouverture is proclaimed Supreme Commander-in-Chief of St. Domingue
    After winning the war over St. Domingue, keeping it out of Spanish and English hands, L'Ouverture took over. He was declared leader for life. During this event, while he was in control he created a new constitution and abolished slavery, with every one having equal rights. More information at- http://bit.ly/3aUz6UI
  • L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life

    L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life
    Once he was in full control of St. Domingue L'Ouverture set to work making the changes that he wanted to see. He created a new constitution. The he outlawed slavery and gave all of his citizens equal rights. This event was a big step in abolishing slavery every were. Napoleon Bonaparte however, was not happy about L'Ouverture's success. More information at- https://bit.ly/3rGy2um
  • Dessalines creates the flag of Haiti

    Dessalines creates the flag of Haiti
    The first flag of Haiti was created by Dessalines. Many have said that to create the first flag he ripped the blue and red parts of the french flag off and then a women named, Catherine Flon or Dessalines' goddaughter, sewed it together. Local history claims that the blue symbolizes the African citizens and the red represented those who were both European and African. This event solidified Haiti as an independent nation.
    More information at- http://bit.ly/3acnOMl
  • Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence

    Dessalines proclaims Haiti’s independence
    Under Dessalines' leadership the people of St. Domingue became the first independent nation of former slaves. They were given natural rights and slavery was abolished. St. Domingue then went back to its Taino name, Haiti. Despite the significance of their new independence neither the U.S or and European countries would trade with them. They were also working on paying off dept to the French. More information at- http://bit.ly/3pgp6uf
  • Period: to

    The Revolutions of Latin and South America

  • Mexico declares independence from Spain

    Mexico declares independence from Spain
    The leader of the Mexican revolution from Spain was Father Miguel Hidalgo. He started towards independence for the Mexicans in 1810. Many poor mestizos and native americans joined him in his fight. Other creoles were also on Hidalgo's side until they heard that he would get rid of slavery. After Hidalgo died Jose Morelos took over. His death seemed to be the end of the revolution but in the end of this event the king of Spain signed a new constitution.
    More information at- https://bit.ly/3rO2vqA
  • Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida, Venezuela

    Simon Bolivar arrives at Merida, Venezuela
    Simon Bolivar was a revolution leader in South America. The first place that he tried to free was his home country of Venezuela. Although he was not successful at first, having to flee to Haiti twice, he was able to force out the Spanish. He also freed Bogota, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Because of the many revolutions that he lead and won in this event he gained the nickname "The Liberator".
    More information at- http://bit.ly/3pfRywf
  • Battle of Chacabuco

    Battle of Chacabuco
    The battle of Chacabuco was an independence war in Latin America. South American Patriots were fighting for their freedom from Spanish rule. In the end the South Americans won which started the process of pushing Spaniards from Chile. This event got a good start to the Latin American independence wars. More information at- http://bit.ly/3aTVD49
  • Peru declares independence

    Peru declares independence
    Jose de San Martin with Bolivar came together to form a team. Although born in Argentina, San Martin went to military school in Europe. He was able to gain independence for his home country in 1816. He then freed both Chile and Peru. Like many other places, in this event Peru gained its freedom.
    More information at- http://bit.ly/2OpvXEK
  • Gran Columbia formed

    Gran Columbia formed
    After gaining their freedom from Spain, Simón Bolívar created the set up for a regular government. The Gran Columbia was the republic that they created. Simon Bolivar became the president. However, this did not last long as in 1826 there were rebellions Venezuela. This event was important to the growth of their government.
    More information at- http://bit.ly/3qdjC4v