By Milouf
  • British Troops Occupy Boston

    British Troops Occupy Boston
    British troops land in Boston to enforce the Townshend duties.
  • Committees of Correspondence Established

    Committees of Correspondence Established
    Committees of Correspondence are established troughout the colonies to coordinate Amerocan reponse to British colonial policy.
  • America declares its independance

    America declares its independance
    Adopted by the second Continental Congress, make the break with Britain.
  • Treaty of Paris Officially Ends the war

    Treaty of Paris Officially Ends the war
    Ratifies the independence of the 13 North American States.
  • U.S. Constitution Replaces Articles of Confederation

    U.S. Constitution Replaces Articles of Confederation
    Constitution proposes to replace the much looser central governement operating under the Articles of Confederation.