Timeline of the Thessian government

  • Foundation of the pacific island colony Thessia

    A large island in the Pacific ocean is colonized by the British empire. Primary colonists consist of lower to middle class British citizens.
  • Period: to

    Era under British Rule

    After a difficult start to the colony due to the colonists unfamiliarity with the indigenous flora and fauna the colony become a major producer of crops like coffee, sugar cane, and several fruits.
  • A Revelation

    News arrives from the Americas that 13 British colonies have fought the crown and declared their independence.
  • Period: to

    Freedom Riots

    After the news about the American colonies breaking away from the British several violent riots occur about the crowns right to rule over the island due to the its isolation from the influence of other nations. British forces put down the riots creating friction between colonists and the British military
  • Thessia declares its Independence from the British Empire

    With the Napoleonic Wars occurring the people Thessia see an opportunity and declare themselves their own nation free from British rule.
  • Period: to

    A time of uncertainty

    Although free from British control the people of Thessia are unsure of how act now that they no longer have a list of rules to live by. During this period people live mostly by a code of ethics were you work to survive and help your neighbors. Trade with the fledgling United States and Asian nations bring new ideas to the island
  • Formation of a Nation

    With the British occupied by Napoleon the island colony of Thessia declaring independence gets relatively ignored by other nations.
  • Laying the foundation of the Government

    To create order in the fledgling nation and increase the efficiency at which the people work the colony of Thessia forms simple government based around the most able people leading the other citizens.