Period: to
Between The Wars
Treaty of Versailles is Signed
The Treaty of Versailles ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers. This was one of the peace settlements signed at the end of World War I. The treaty was signed by two German representitives. -
The Roaring Twenties
The Roaring Twenties was time period in the 1920s. In these years, there was a dramatic change in society and politics. In many countries, culture became more urban. In some places more people lived in cities than on farms! -
The Great Depression Begins
The Great Depression was a worldwide ecomonic depression, meaning that several people lost their jobs and money. The stock market crashed on the 29th of October 1929 and it is known as 'Black Tuesday'. These negative effects lasted all the way until the start of World War II. -
Unemployment Peak
Spanish Civil War Begins
Also know as 'The War' in Spain, the Spanish Civil War occured from 1936-1939. The war was between the Republicans and the Nationalists, with some surrodning countries supporting either side. The Nationalists ended up winning the war. -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany invading Poland caused the start of World War II. The Polish army were defeated within just weeks of Germany inavasion. Poland stayed controlled by Germany until 1945.