476 The Last Emperor
476: The last roman emperor dies. This symbolises the end of roman times and the start of the middle ages. -
Jan 1, 742
Charlemane 742
Charlemagne or Charles the Great was a king that conqured most of the Frankish kingdom. his kingdom covered alot of the europe. he was crowned emperor of the romans Romans. hewas born in 742 and died in 814. -
Nov 11, 1066
William the conqurer 1066
William the Conqueror invades England and becomes king of England. he introduces feudalisim into this country. feudalisim is when the king owns all land and rents it to his vassals. the vassals rented it to other vassals. each vassal had to give something in return for renting the land. -
Jan 1, 1099
the first crusade
July 1099 jerusalem is captured and all that were not of christian faith were killed. the cristians killing the others were thinking that they were doing this for god. -
Jan 1, 1145
the second crusade
the second crusade was a crusade known as a failure. it was known as a failure because the knights tried to attack Jerusalem but failed -
Jan 1, 1189
Richard the Lionhearted 1189
gets the English crown.He captures French territory. he is the son of henry the ll who is the son of william the conquerer. -
Jan 1, 1215
1215 King John of England was signed the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is a agreement that gave some rights to the people and also said that the king had to follow the law also. -
Jan 1, 1347
Black Plague 1347-1351
the black plague was a disiese that went from 1347-1351 the black plauge killed about two thirds of the people living in Europe at the time. the sickness could spread quickly because food was scarce that year and because people had no proper self hygeine. -
Jan 1, 1350
Italian Renaissance 1350
the renecance starts in italy. the renecance is a periode in time called the rebirth. it is called this because people start looking at old things and making them better. artists also started drawing in perspective. -
Jan 1, 1440
printing press 1440
Johannes Gutenberg invents the printing press this lets information to pass very quickly and peole to learn more things -
Jan 1, 1475
Michelangelo 1475
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni sculptor he was a sculptor painter and engineer -
Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Colombus
Christopher Columbus finds the new world.(america) he brings back new food and spices. as well as beaver pelts that start the hat making. -
Jan 1, 1503
leonardo da vinci
1503 Leonardo da vinci studied humans and made a lot of inventions some are still used today. leonardo was also a painter and a reasearcher. -
Jan 1, 1520
Martin luther
1520 martin luther makes the church stop some of their problems. people decide to research on their own instead of beliving what the church tells them -
william shakespere
1599 - William Shakespeare builds the Globe theatre. He will write as well as preform many of his plays here. -
Isac newton
isac newton is born. he will become a famous inventor who will invent many things still used today -
the Famine 1315 1317
bad weather in spring 1315, l crop failures went on untill 1317. alot of people died and crime was more common. -
the hundred year war
the hundred years war was a war that waged between England and France England was invading and trying to get the french throne. this was because the english emperor had more right to the throne. according to the family tree. -
1610 galileo
1610 - Galileo discovers the moons of Jupiter. he will become a famous mathematition and someone who hepled explain the solar system -
king alfred
871 King Alfred the Great of England becomes king he was a important king who brought wessex and other smaller countries together.