Schutzstaffel organized
The Schutzstaffel was a large paramilitary group under control by Hitler and the rest of the Nazi party. These people were often used as bodyguards/security for Hitler and other important members of the Nazi party. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
Hitler became chancellor because the NSDAP counted 37.3% of votes for Hitler to become chancellor. This impacted the Germans, because at Hitler’s rallies people were just inspired by his speeches and how he was going to make Germany the greatest again and how Germans would feel more stronger than anyone else. -
Hitler claims emergency power
During this event Hitler showed a bill to the government about him having emergency power. This impacts the government because some of the people in government were communist but were arrested right before they voted and only left with just Germans which made Hitler have emergency power. -
Boycott & Jewish businesses
This event was about Jewish Businesses were targeted by Nazi boycotts. This must have been an impact for the German’s because they would look for more German people who were not Jews and would join the SS or SA to take down Jewish businesses. -
Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases
This event is explaining that the government passes the Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases. This was an impact for Jews because it made many Jews leave their businesses and leave Germany or maybe even send them to camps to die. -
Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
It was a law that was passed to deem people who were dangerous in the German Society. This impacted Germans because the court was able to use imprisonment for criminals. -
Nuremberg Law
In this event it is about a new law that was made to protect the people with German Blood and Honor. This impacts the Jews and Gypsies because they were known to be as the second class in Germany and were less powerful. -
Nazi’s occupy Rhieland
This was the event when Germany decided to take over the Rhinelands which was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles. This impacted Hitler and Germany because it gave them more land and more power. -
Creation of the Zigeunerlager
In this event it was about Germany establishing a new Gypsies camp. This was a big impact for Gypsies because more Gypsies camps would be established with more Gypsies being deported to be killed or go through torture. -
Reichs Zentrale is created
This was the event when Nazi Germany would fight against homosexuality and abortion. This impacts Women and LGBTQ, because they would have to give away their babies if they were Jewish or anything else other than German. -
Kristallnacht/Night of Broken Glass
This was the event of when Nazi Germans decided it was best to rob Jewish businesses. This was an impact for Jews because this event managed to kill 91 people and 300,000 Jewish men arrested. -
Einsatzgruppen, starts
This event was about a new police or security they establish so that they can protect German squads during invasions in poland and other places. This impacted Jews and others, because if they tried doing anything wrong they would be killed by them. -
Yellow Star for Germans
For almost 5 years, Germans would give out yellow stars to Jewish people that lived in Germany so that the German government would know who is Jewish. This impacts Jews because later on Officers would know who to kill if they were a criminal or anything else. -
St. Louis Ship for Jews
During this event 900 refugees who were most likely Jewish aboard the SS St. Louis from Hamburg, Germany, to Cuba. This impacted Jews because they were free before things would get worse in Germany and would not have to suffer in concentration camps. -
Germany invaded Poland
After taking over the Rhineland on March 7th, 1936, Germany took Poland. This impacted on Germans because when the allies told Germany not to invade them they would start a war, but they still did it. -
Lodz Ghetto Opens
During this event it was mostly about thousands of Jews were forced to move to the ghettos in Lodz. This impacted Jews and Poles because both groups had to be under German Jurisdiction for now on. -
Madagascar plan presented
The plan was proposed by the German Nazis to relocate all Jews to the island of Madagascar. -
Auschwitz opens
The Nazis built a concentration camp for the people who they tortured. Auschwitz was most commonly used for the torturing of people who the Nazis did not like. Jews, Poles, Romani, and Soviet prisoners were the people who were predominantly affected by Auschwitz. -
The Commissar order
The Commissar order was an order to the Nazis in Russia to execute all Soviet political Commissar. The Soviets were impacted because the Nazis were all trying to kill them. -
Babi Yar
Babi Yar was a massacre of nearly 34,000 Jews that began on the outskirts of Kiev in Nazi infested Ukraine. Lots of Jews ended up dying to the Nazis that day. -
Wannsee Conference
This was a meeting between high ranking German leaders to discuss the “Final solution of the Jewish Question.” The German officer talked with each other at this meeting so nobody at the time was really affected. -
The last gassing at Auschwitz
The last inmates at Auschwitz which was around 300-400 were forced to dig up of the graves of the bodies and burn them all. They were then gassed. -
Dr Josef Mengele arrived at Auschwitz
During this event was when Dr Josef Mengele arrived at Auschwitz to help during the war. The reason why this impacts the Germans is because he was known to be a High rank medical officer. -
Himmler liquidation in the ghettos
This event was when Himmler brings in liquidation in ghettos. This will impact Jews because Germans will still make them work in camps. -
Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz
This was the event when Himmler decided to start destruction in Auschwitz and to make sure it’s abandoned. This impacts the German group after the mass killing they did the Jews, Gypsies and others. -
Liberation of Auschwitz
In this even the Soviet union decided to liberate Auschwitz. This was an impact for Jews Poles, Gypsies and others because almost 7,000 prisoners were still left in the camps to die. -
Hitler commits suicide
This was the event when Adolf Hitler shot himself in the head when he was at the Berlin Bunkers. This was an impact for Germany because this made them have no leader and with the allies winning Germany would have to surrender. -
International Military Tribunal
This event was about 22 Nazi leaders in trial. This was an impact for the German army then because they would be punished. -
Adolf Eichmann captured
Eichmann was captured by mossad in Argentina and was found guilty of war crimes.
Eichmann was later executed by hanging in 1962. -
Josef Mengele's death
Mengele died because he had a stroke while swimming off the coast of Bertioga and was buried under the false name of Wolfgang Gerhard.