Hitler is Appointed Chancelor of Germany
On January 30th 1933 President Hindenburg declared Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany; A nation with a Jewish population of 566,000. This gave Hitler his initial power starting the rain of Hitler and the Nazis. -
The Nazis Burn the Reichstag Building
The Nazis burned the Reichstag building to create a crisis atmosphere. As a result Hitler was given emergency powers on February 28, 1933. This event continued Hitler's power rant making him more powerful eventually leading top his dictatorship. -
Dachau is opened up outside Munich
The Nazis opened the first concentration camp, Dachau, outside Munich. The first prisoners were political oponnents. This event marked the beginning of the concentration camps and soon was followed by many other camps. This also showed the start of Jewish hatred and inprisonment by Hitler. -
Hitler is given dictatorial powers
German Parliement passes Enabling Act giving Hitler dictatorial powers. -
Nazi Take Over Czechoslovakia
The Nazi troops sieze Czechoslovakia, which has a Jewish population of 350,000. -
Nazis Arrest 17,000 Jews
Nazis arrest 17,000 Jews of Polish nationality living in Germany, then expel them back to Poland which refuses them entry, leaving them in 'No-Man's Land' near the Polish border for several months. -
Reichstang Speech
Hitler threatens the Jews during the Reichstang Speech. Saying, "...if the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a World War, then the result will not be the Bolshevizing of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!" -
Nazis Invade Poland
The Nazi troops invaded Poland which has a Jewish population of 3.35 million. This marked the beginning of SS activity in Poland. -
Hitler Commits Suicide
On April 30th Hitler and his wife Eva came out of their private corridors and said goodbye to the staff who decided to stay and then returned to their corridors. Two minutes later the staff heard a gunshot. When the staff entered they found Hitler lying on the couch surrounded by a pool of blood. He had died from a shot to his right temple. His wife Eva had died from swallowing poison.