Timeline of the Holocaust

  • Leader

    Nazi party leader, Hitler became the chancellor of Germany.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Jewish rights are further restricted and aren't allowed in public place such as public schools, hospitals, and parks. Nearly 2000 anti-jewish laws are passed in the 1930's.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Nazi's shoot up Jewish-owned shops and burn synagogues across Germany. Nearly 30,000 jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps by November 10th.
  • T4 Killing Program

    Nazis start the first mass murdering of intellectually and physically disabled children. In October, Hitler approves the T4 program to eliminate all disabled people.
  • Auschwitz

    The Nazis opened many concentration camps including Auschwitz. They imprisoned many Jews and others who they didn't like.
  • Period: to

    Mass Murder

    Nazis wiped out Jews and others who didn't reach their expectations. More than one million Jews are murdered.
  • Final Solution

    Nazis open death camps like Auschwitz. They made gas chambers to increase the killing rate. Nearly 600 Jews were gassed each day.
  • Warsaw Ghetto

    In April, in the Warsaw ghetto, Jews began their attack against the Nazis. It lasted nearly a month.
  • Liberation

    As allied forces defeat the Nazis, they arrive and concentration and death camps to free prisoners. By liberation, nearly 6 million Jews and others had been murdered.