Baby boom!
Need more teachers and schools. TV put everyone together watching the same thing at the same time!
Red Scare!
More Educated parents want their children go to the college. -
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Back-to-Basics movement gains steam. -
Space Race: Math & Science are cool!
President Kennedy made the Arts in Society and Schools again. -
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Two important laws were signed by congress:
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), designed to get more qualified teachers into low-income schools.
The Higher Education Act, increases federal aid to higher education with scholarships and students loans. And establishes a National Teachers Corps. -
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The Cuban family migrants to Miami caused the Birth of Bilingual Education.
The progressives are at it again. -
Equality Issues/ Bussing: Sesame Street, people with disabilities stood up fairly for their fair share.
Title IX:No discrimination in sports for any minorities or underserved populations.
PL 94-142:The Education for All Handicapped Children Act(least restrictive environment)
New Math: the Metric System -
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Report on Declining SAT Scores.
Late 1970's Back-to-Basics movement gains steam again. -
1981 John Holt: Teach your own, a hopeful path for education. In this book, not only has all the vital information necessary to be the bible for parents teaching their own children, it also conveys John Holt's wise and passionate belief in every child's ability to learn from the world that has made his wonderful books into enduring classics. -
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Madeline C.Hunter: Mystery Teaching. Direct instruction teaching model.
Board of Education vs. Pico: Books cannot be removed from a school library because school administrators deemed their content to be offensive. -
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Nation at Risk: Public education is a shamble, tougher standards (just like in business), more accountability (just like in business).
Back-to-Basics movement gains steam (again) -
The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: The birth of vouchers.
Scripted curriculum becomes very popular. -
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The first Charter School: Minnesota -
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The Massachusetts Educational Reform Act: decrees a common curriculum and state wide tests (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System), other states soon follow and implement similar, high-stakes testing programs. -
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The Higher Education Act is amended: require institutions and states to produce report cards about teacher education programs; -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB): was signed into law by President. Reauthorize the EAEA of 1965. Holds schools accountable for student achievement levels. Provides penalties schools that not make adequate yearly progress. -
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The Higher Education Act is again amended: Expends access to higher education for low and middle income students.Provides additional funds for graduate studies. It increase the accountability. -
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Reauthorization of the NCLB gets a veto: the president refuses to sign because it exceeds of his budget.