First web browser was made publicly available
(Kentnor, 2015). -
The University of Phoenix became one of the first to offer online education programs through the Internet.
(Kentnor, 2015). -
Students gain the ability to communicate with one another and their professors on an online “classroom webpage.”
(Florida National University, 2019). -
Blackboard is introduced
Blackboard learning management system is introduced and becomes one of the most popular and used systems for instructors and students to this day (Tamm, 2019). -
First online university
The very first fully accredited online university, Jones International University, opened its doors. It offered students online courses and diplomas in business and education until the year 2015, when it was officially closed (Tamm, 2019). -
Khan Academy
Salman Khan creates Khan Academy, an online platform consisting of thousands of free video lectures (Khan Academy, 2020). -
Google Classroom launched
(Siu, 2016).