Timeline of the Enlightenment Revolutions

  • Period: to

    Enlightenment thinkers

  • Publication of the Leviathan

    Publication of the Leviathan
    The leviathan was originally created by Thomas Hobbes. The idea behind it is to be able to have certain people protect you. However, in doing this the people who follow it must give up all of their rights to the person who is going to protect them. The Leviathan is important because it started the first absolute monarchy government. You can find more about the leviathan here. https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/hobbess-leviathan#
  • Death of King Louis XIV

    Death of King Louis XIV
    On the morning of August 10th, 1715 the King and his nurses discovered that he had a bad infection in his leg. About 2 weeks later the king had became so unwell that he could not leave his chamber. The infection was greatly worsening and had now reached his bone. About a week later he passed away. This is important because this death would eventually lead to the rule of King Louis XVI. More info: http://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/history/key-dates/death-louis-xiv-1715
  • Publication of Social Contract

    Publication of Social Contract
    The social contract was a very important piece of society during the period of the enlightenment in Europe.The founder was Jean Jacques-Rousseau,it encouraged governments to change the way they were treating their citizens.The social contract stated that everyone should be able to do what they want to and everyone should be given equal opportunity.This was important because it lead to the French revolution.More info:https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/the-social-contract-by-jean-jacques-rousseau#
  • Estate general Meets

    Estate general Meets
    On May 5th, 1789 King Louis XVI and the 3 estates that he had summoned met to discuss the growing financial problem France was facing. The estates and the King agreed that it was best to tax the citizens of France more to make up for what they had to pay. However, when the people discovered this they would not be happy, starting the French Revolution. More info;http://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/history/key-dates/summoning-estates-general-1789#
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    After the meeting of the estate-general the third estate began to realize that they would have no chance to reform with the two privileged estates because they would be outvoted every time.On June 20th the estate realized that they had been locked out of their usual meeting hall by the clergy and nobility.Because of this, the third estate decided to gather on a nearby tennis court instead.They then were able to establish a constitution.More info:https://www.britannica.com/event/Tennis-Court-Oath
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    On July 14th, 1789 an angry mob stormed Bastille which was a prison in the middle of France. it is believed that it was attack because of the meaning behind it. The prison was a symbol of monarchy dictatorial rule which almost all of France did not agree with at this point. This attack would turn out to be a massive part in the french revolution and why it happened. More information:https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/french-revolutionaries-storm-bastille
  • The Beginning of the Great Fear

    The Beginning of the Great Fear
    Towards the beginning of the French Revolution there was a period of panic. This period of panic caused peasants to riot. this panic was caused because rumors spread through France about the King and the rich planning to overthrow the third estate. This caused a major problem because it caused poor to fight the wealthy. More information:https://www.britannica.com/event/Great-Fear
  • Publication of the Deceleration of the Rights of Man and Citizens

    Publication of the Deceleration of the Rights of Man and Citizens
    During August of 1789 the Deceleration of the Rights of Man and Citizens was created. The citizens created 17 articles to protect themselves from the King and the wealthy estates. These articles created by the people were mainly about protecting the citizens rights. This Deceleration was past on August 26th, 1789. More information: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Declaration-of-the-Rights-of-Man-and-of-the-Citizen
  • Period: to

    Hiatian Revolution

  • Slaves rise up on the Northern plantations of St. Domique

    Slaves rise up on the Northern plantations of St. Domique
    The slaves started their riot on the night of August 21st 1791. They started by marching through the woods killing all white people that got in their way. By midnight almost all of the plantations in the area were burnt down and the revolution had begun. The group of slaves kept marching through the night destroying any plantation in their way and rescuing slaves that were living in those plantations. More info:https://library.brown.edu/haitihistory/5.html
  • publication of Vindication of the Rights of Women

    publication of Vindication of the Rights of Women
    A vindication of the the rights of Women was originally written in 1791 by Mary Wollstonecraft. It was written because at the time Men and women were not treated equally at all throughout Europe. So in an effort to make a change about that Wollstonecraft fought to the Rights of Women published. Finally after almost a year the Rights of Women was published on January 1st, 1792. More information:https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/mary-wollstonecraft-a-vindication-of-the-rights-of-woman#
  • French Republic proclaimed

    French Republic proclaimed
    King Louis XVI was officially arrested on August 13th, 1792. Because he was arrested the people were unsure of who their leader would be. So, they decided to form a Republic. By doing this France was able to eliminate having a monarchy while also being able to still have a governing body who could make tough decisions for them. The first republic was officially founded on September 21st 1792. More information: https://library.brown.edu/cds/paris/chronology1.html
  • King Louis XVI executed by guillotine

    King Louis XVI executed by guillotine
    King Louis XVI was executed on January 21st, 1793. He was executed in a guillotine on Revolution square in France. The King was killed due to his sentencing of high treason where in his court trial not a single person voted him not guilty of committing these acts. The execution was preformed in the morning by Charles-Henri Sanson. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_of_Louis_XVI
  • Reign of Terror begins

    Reign of Terror begins
    The reign of terror began when Robespierre Declared terror on September 5th 1793. This marked the beginning of almost of repressing perceived enemies of the revolution. Throughout the reign of terror about 18,500- 40,000 people died. the reign of terror happened because it was intended to overthrow the Girodins. The reign of terror ended up lasting about a year and in the end Robespierre fell. More information:https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/modern-europe/french-history/reign-terror
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    Only July 28th, 1794 Robespierre was executed in a guillotine. He was executed because him and a couple of his friends were arrested at a hotel in France. Robespierre and 21 of him followers were then taken to Place de la revolution. they were proven guilty of their crimes and their crimes were so bad that all 21 of them and Robespierre were executed. More information: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/robespierre-overthrown-in-france
  • The directory takes control of France

    The directory takes control of France
    The directory of France took power after the execution of King Louis XVI. The directory was a governing body that consisted of 5 people who made the decisions for France. This system worked well with what France was partly fighting for which was to no longer have one person making all of their decisions for them. Instead now they would have 5 people to discuss about what they thought the best option was. More information: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Directory-French-history
  • War of Knives begins for conntrol of St. Domingue

    War of Knives begins for conntrol of St. Domingue
    The war of Knives was a civil war between France that was caused due to slavery. The slaves from St. Domingue took over the North and were fighting the South for their freedom. The North looked like they had things undercontrol after slaughtering thousands of Northern troops. The North sent 4,000 troops down to the South in an effort to keep St. Domingue. However, this effort did not work and southern troop began to move further up North. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_Knives
  • New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over.

    New constitution in France put up for a vote, declares revolution over.
    When Napoleon took over France in 1799 he wanted to change the way the country was run previously. The first thing that he decided to do was officially put an end to the revolution, He also decided to make a new constitution to make the changes in government to France official. This new form of government was called the Consulate. In the constitution it also stated that the deceleration of rights was not important. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_Year_VIII
  • L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life

    L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life
    LÓuverture won the war the war for the land and he wanted to make changes to the land. By making a new constitution he was able do do this. In the constitution he outlawed slavery and voodoo which was a popular religion in St. Domingue. In the constitution it also said that he was leader for life which the people did not agree with. So, this made more battles occur rather then stopping them.
    More Information: https://www.marxists.org/history/haiti/1801/constitution.htm
  • Dessalines proclaims Haiti's Independence

    Dessalines proclaims Haiti's Independence
    On January 1st, 1804 Haiti's independence was proclaimed. This act was done by Jean-Jacques Dessalines in the middle of the port city in Gonaives where he also made the deceleration of independence.This deceleration meant that Haiti was the first independent black nation in the Western Hemisphere. Becoming an independent country was a huge thing for Haiti because they were one of only two successful slave revolutions in history. More info: https://library.brown.edu/haitihistory/11.html
  • Period: to

    The Revolutions of Latin and Southern America

  • Mexico declares Independence from Spain

    Mexico declares Independence from Spain
    When Napoleon took over Spain it infuriated many of the Spanish owned land. They did not want to be apart of what Napoleon was doing and what he was enforcing. Because of this on September 16th 1810 Mexico decided to start a war for their independence. The Mexicans had some initial success however months later their leader was captured and executed by Spain. More Information: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mexican-war-of-independence-begins
  • Simone Bolovar arrives at Merida, Venezuela

    Simone Bolovar arrives at Merida, Venezuela
    When Simon Bolovar arrived at Merida Venezuela on May 24, 1813 he and his crew got to work. Simon Bolovar is famously know for saving many countries from the hands of Spain. When he arrives in Merida he also got his nickname which was "El Liberatedor" which is the liberator in english. Bolvar war the battle in merida and freeded the people living there from Spanish rule. More information: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/admirable-campaign
  • The Battle of Chacabuco

    The Battle of Chacabuco
    The battle of Chacabuco started on February 12th 1817. The battle was apart of a series of battles for Latin America freedom. The North was lead by San Martin. San Martin gathered 5,000 of his best troops to the battle. However, him and his armies efforts were not enough to hold off the south. In this battle the south was able to beat the Spanish royalists north of Santiago. More information: https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Chacabuco
  • Battle of Boyaca

    Battle of Boyaca
    The Battle of Boyaca was a battle that was fought during the Latin America independence. The battle started as a surprise attack from San Martin and his crew on the Spanish. Him and his 5,000 troops managed to defeat the Spanish on initial attack. They were able to capture a Spanish Lieutenant and also 1,800 Spanish troops before the battle was over. Bolivar was then able to capture Bogota on August 10th. More information:https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-Boyaca
  • Peru Declares independence

    Peru Declares independence
    Between 1810 to 1821 Peru began to fight for its independence. . Peru officially declared independence on July 28th, 1821. However, Peru's leader San Martin recognized that he was going to need help so he asked Simon Bolivar for help. However Bolivar declined the offer because he refused to share power with someone. So, Martin resigned and Bolivar became the leader of Peru. More info: https://www.britannica.com/place/Peru/Achievement-of-independence
  • Gran Columbia formed

    Gran Columbia formed
    In 1821 gran Columbia decided to make its own nation. Before this their government was just a military with a general who made all the decisions. Now that they decided to become an independent nation the citizens decided it was best to have an actual government. Bolivar became presedent of the country and Francisco de Paula Santander became the vice president. The constitution of the country called for bicameral legislature. More information:https://www.britannica.com/place/Gran-Colombia