House Un-American Activites
The House Un-American Activities Committee was caused mostly by McCarthyism, because of this investigations were started to find communist spies, most people who were investigated were celebrities; because of this McCarthyism gained a massive following and made people start hating communists even more -
Truman Doctrine
In order to keep nations on the capitalist side the Truman Doctrine was created, this was most prominent in the case of Greece and Turkey as they wanted to break free and America helped; as you can imagine this increased tensions -
Berlin Airlift
The Berlin airlift was an operation that was enacted by the United States as Berlin was on the communist side of Germany but the U.S. still wanted their part of Berlin so they flew supplies in so they wouldn't have to give it up; this of course raised tensions as the USSR saw it as capitalists trying to take their land -
NATO was a capitalist alliance that was made in order to define who would help America if war were to occur against the communists. This made American lives easier as they felt like they weren't alone and had support; however, it increased tensions between the communists and capitalists as it showed that they would go to war and they were already recruiting people to do so -
Korean war
The Korean War was basically a war between Capitalism and Communism that drastically increased tensions the USSR and the United States -
Brinkmanship was a policy that was enacted in hopes of being so aggressive and producing so many wartime necessities that the USSR wouldn't want to fight and would back down; this could have course have started a war and it almost did, luckily it didn't reach this point but it did drastically enhance the tension between communists and capitalists. -
Warsaw Pact
The Warsaw Pact was the treaty between several European nations, it united nations that were mostly Communist and this caused NATO to be created, a treaty that united most Capitalist countries. -
Interstate Highway System
Because of the poor road system in America Eisenhower put the Interstate Highway System into place which gave us interstates, this is not only for convenience but also so the military could navigate the country is a timely manner -
Eisenhower Doctrine
This was a foreign policy presented by President Eisenhower that promised to give countries that were trying to escape the communist grasp, this of course resulted in heightened tensions as America was essentially trying to steal countries allegiance from communism to capitalism -
Sputnik was launched by the USSR and signified the start of the space race, ultimately the US won this but for the duration of the space race tensions between the two countries were extremely high -
U-2 Incident
An American spy plane was shot down over USSR and the pilot was captured. America publicly denied that they had been spying on the USSR but ended up trading a captured USSR spy for their captured spy. Because of this it canceled the Paris Summit meeting which was supposed to decrease arms between the two countries. -
Bay of Pigs
The Bay of Pigs incident was a failed military invasion on Cuba that was controlled by the CIA. Cuba and America didn't have the best relationship beforehand but this caused them to go even farther on the Communists (USSR) side. -
Berlin Wall
In order to secure eastern Germany as part of their communist league the USSR constructed the Berlin Wall in hopes of keeping their people in and capitalists out; as you can imagine this raised tensions dramatically -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the biggest crisis's in the Cold War that almost led to war, this was simply because the USSR put nuclear missiles in Cuba and refused to take them out, this escalated almost to the point of war -
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
In an attempt to ease tensions and protect the environment the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was created which stated that all nuclear tests couldn't be performed on land and had to be done underwater; this helped ease tensions as countries could no longer detonate nuclear bombs above ground in order to show their power