World: Napoleon’s invasion of Italy
Mexico: Félix Berenguer de Marquina governed in Mexico
Science: Alessandro Volta discovered electrochemical series and invents the battery
Arts: Francisco Goya painted the Naked Maja -
World: Signature of Lunéville between France and the Holy Germanic Roman Empire
Mexico: Renunciation of Félix Berenguer de Marquina
Science: Andrés Manuel del Río discovered vanadium
Arts: The Ambassadors of Agamemnon in the teeth of Achilles is a paint by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres -
World: Signature of the agreed on July 1
Mexico: Francisco Javier de Lizana Beaumont was a viceroy of New Spain who took possession by power on December 27
Science: Jean Baptiste Lamarck: teleological evolution
Arts: Rafail's Cross is a famous wooden crucifix, made in Bulgaria -
World: Starts the viceroyalty of José de Iturrigaray in New Spain
Mexico: Alexander von Humboldt who was a astronomer, geographer, naturalist and german explorer arrived to Mexico
Science: John Dalton's atomic theory and list of molecular weights first made known
Arts: Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte by François Gérard -
World: Haiti gained independence from France, turning it on the only state ever founded by former slaves without slavery
Mexico: New Spain suffered hard economic changes caused by high taxes
Science: Richard Trevithick managed to adapt the first locomotive
Arts: Querétaro Cathedral, it is a catholic church it was built by the order of San Felipe Neri -
World: Napoleón Bonaparte defeated Austria during the Ulm battle, subtracting strength from the Third Coalition made by England, Sweden, Austria and Russia.
Mexico: México was governed by Don Félix Berenguer de Marquina.
Science: The American inventor Oliver Evans, acclaimed as the "father of refrigeration", invented the vapor-compression refrigeration machine.
Arts: Fiódor Alekséiev painted Church of St. John the Baptist, Borovitskaya tower and Stablings prikaz (department) in the Kremlin. -
World: Prussia declares war on France.
Mexico: Earthquake in Colima, called “incarnation”.
Science: Jean- Robert Argand introduces the Argand diagram.
Arts: Scène du Déluge by Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson. -
World: The Second English Invasion of 1807, in which British troops, after taking Montevideo, were rejected when they tried to occupy Buenos Aires, by the defending forces
Mexico: Nothing relevant happened this year
Science: Regular steamboat service on the Hudson River by Robert Fulton
Arts: Christian August Lorentzen painted the neoclassical artwork The British Bombardment of Copenhagen, Night Between 4th and 5th of September 1807 -
World:The U.S. Congress passes an act to "prohibit the importation of slaves"
Mexico:Napoleon Bonaparte occupies Spain, deposes the monarchy, and installs his brother, Joseph, as head of state.
Science:Anthracite coal is first burned as fuel by Jesse Fell.
Arts:The Grave, with illustrations from designs by William Blake (including A Vision of the Last Judgment). -
World: England and Spain became allies to defeat Benito Juarez.
Mexico: The general Benito de San Juan died because he suffered a mutin of his own troops.
Science: Charles Darwin was born.
Arts: Richard Monckton Milnes, a poet, political, and a literary patron was born. -
World: The Italian city of Rome is declared as the second city of the Empire
Mexico: Mexican Independence started
Science: Chlorine is named by Humphry Davy.
Arts: “Allegory of the City of Madrid” Francisco de Goya -
World: Paraguay declares its independence
Mexico: The second part of Mexican Independence known as Organization started
Science: Abraham Colles publishes A Treatise on Surgical Anatomy in Dublin.
Arts: The Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan (St. Petersburg) was built -
World: The constitution of cadiz is approved as the spanish constitution
Mexico: Jose Maria Morelos takes command of the insurgent army
Science: John Davy first describes the synthesis of phosgene.[1]
Arts: The symphony n.º 8 is written by Beethoven -
World: American Naval Commander Oliver Hazard Perry defeats the British in the Battle of Lake Erie.
Mexico: Chilpancingo Congress declares Mexico independent of Spain.
Science: 1st federal vaccination legislation enacted.
Arts: 1st concerto of Royal Philharmonic. -
World:British evict dutchman from South Africa
Mexico:First Mexican constitution
Science:The book J Bot. Agric from the french botanical Nicaide Agustin was published
Arts: “The great odalisque” was created by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres requested by Carolina Murat -
World:England defeats Napoleon Bonaparte and celebrates Vienna congress
Mexico:Jose Maria Morelos was shooted in San Cristobal of Ecatepec
Science:The british chemist Sir Humphry Davy creates the Davy security lamp
Arts: The friar Francisco de Paula Castañeda opens a drawing school in Buenos Aires consulate -
World: Independence of Argentina, and Maria I of Portugal died in Brazil.
Mexico: After Morelos death the independence war was almost extinct.
Science:The geographer Isidoro of Antillon died.
Arts: Lord Byron was inspired by the 1816 summer to write his poem “darkness”. -
World:The Rush-Bagot Treaty between the United States and England was signed to demilitarize the Great Lakes in the British-American War from 1812.
Mexico: Mexican insurgents Francisco Xavier Mina and Pedro Moreno were defeated by realistic troops at the El Venadito ranch. The Spanish army send Fray Servando Teresa de Mier prisoner to Spain.
Science: Johan August Arfwedson discovered lithium.
Arts: Fernando Estévez painted Nuestra Señora de los Remedios -
World: Chile declared its independence.
Mexico: The battle of Cerro de Barrabas was a military action of the Mexican War of Independence.
Science: Giorgio Bidone investigates for the first time the hydraulic jump in Paris.
Arts: The Prado Museum is founded in Madrid (Spain). -
World: Spain gives the United States the territories of Oregon and Florida and wins Texas, by the Treaty of Adams-Onís.
Mexico: It was a year of resistance in the war of independence.
Science: René Laënnec invents the stethoscope.
Arts: José de Madrazo painted Alegoría de la Tarde. -
World: Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state of USA.
Mexico: “Plan de Iguala” was written by Agustín de Iturbide.
Science: The first permanent astronomical observatory in the southern hemisphere was built near Cape Town, South Africa.
Arts: the “ Venus de Milo” was discovered on the island of Milos. -
World: Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire begins.
Mexico: End of the independence war, proclaiming freedom from the Spaniards.
Science: John Kidd describes the properties of the substance which he calls naphthaline.
Arts: Birmingham Society of Artists established in England. -
World: Haiti invades the newly founded Dominican Republic.
Mexico:On 19 May 1822, Mexican Congress named Iturbide as a constitutional emperor.
Science: A German physicist named Thomas Johann Seebeck, discovered thermoelectricity.
Arts: Caspar David Friedrich painted the “Moonrise by the sea” -
World: Slavery is abolished in Chile.
Mexico: A new constitution was written.
Science: William Sturgeon an English scientist built the first electromagnet.
Arts: "Home! Sweet Home!" by John Howard Payne is 1st sung in London. -
World:First Burmese War: The British officially declare war on Burma.
Mexico: Mexico becomes a republic.
Science:Washing machine patented by Noah Cushing of Quebec.
Arts: Meyerbeers opera "Il Crociati in Egitto" premieres in Venice. -
World: Uruguay declared independence from Brazil.
Mexico: The construction of Independent Mexico.
Science: 1st public railroad using steam locomotive in England.
Arts: 1st grand opera in U.S. sung in New York City. -
World:General Congress of South American States assembles at Panama.
Mexico: Mexico gives more Anglo-Saxon entry to Texas.
Science: It is patented the internal combustion engine.
Arts: Beethoven's Quartet #13 in B flat major premiered in Vienna. -
World: Turks capture Acropolis and takes Athens during Greek War of Independence.
Mexico: First law of expulsion of the Spaniards.
Science: English chemist invents wooden matches.
Arts: Ballet introduced to US at Bowery Theater. -
World: The 1928 Winter Olympics are held in St. Moritz, Switzerland, the first as a separate event.
Mexico: First electoral rebellion.
Science: Karl Ernst von Baer lays the foundations of the science of comparative embryology with his book Über Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. He published von Baer's laws.
Arts: Death of Francisco Goya (artist) -
World: Dutch parliament accepts new press laws.
Mexico: “Batalla de Tampico” took place in Tamaulipas.
Science: Isaac Holden produces a form of friction match.
Arts: Gioacchino Rossini´s opera “William Tell” premier in Paris. -
World: Beginning of the French colonization of Algeria: 34,000 French soldiers land 27 kilometers west of Algiers, at Sidi Ferruch.
Mexico: Occident intern state was divided into two states, Sonora and Sinaloa.
Science: The railway was started in United Kingdom.
Arts: Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, an important american poet, was born. -
World:The first Constitution of Belgium as an independent country is approved.
Mexico: Vicente Guerrero was shot in Oaxaca.
Science: James Clark Ross discovers the magnetic north pole.
Arts: Manuel Bretón de los Herreros plays “Marcela o ¿Cuál de los tres? in “El teatro del príncipe de Madrid”, Spain. -
World: Poland is conquered by the Russian Empire.
Mexico: Tomas Escalante leaves the charge of the president of Sonora.
Science: The first steam railway in Austria, was started.
Arts: Hermenegildo Bustos, a famous mexican painter, was born -
World: United States, inventor Samuel Morse presents the electric telegraph to the public.
Mexico:Santa Anna occupies the presidency 11 times
Science: Charles babbage tried to build a machine that was programmable to do any kind of calculation.
Arts: The opera Beatrice di Tenda, by Vincenzo Bellini, opens in the Teatro La Fenice in Venice (Italy). -
World: In Venezuela the Law on Freedom of Contracts is approved, being promulgated five days later, with the aim of stimulating the national economy, although later it would lead to a serious economic crisis.
Mexico:In Mexico City, the Government imprisons Stephen F. Austin.
Science:The periodic table was, literally, the dream of the life of Dimitri Mendeleev (1834-1907).
Arts: Barcelona. Arab baths demolished in the year (1834) drawing by Francisco Javier Parcerisa. Madrid. -
World: “On January 30th, Richard Lawrence tried to murder the USA president Andrew Jackson.” (Varela, 2007-2019)
Mexico: “On October 23th, the country abandoned federalism, to become a centralist government.” (Historiademexicobreve.com, 2011-2019)
Science:On August 14th, “Jacob Perkins obtained a patent for an ice machine.”(Varela, 2007-2019)
Arts: “On January 24th, In Paris, it was presented for first time the opera I Puritani from Vincenzo Bellini.” (Varela, 2007-2019) -
World: “On June 10th, on San Francisco’s Bay occurred an earthquake from 6.5 in Richter Scale.” (Varela, 2007-2019)
Mexico: “On December 30th, Las Siete Leyes also known as Constitución del Régimen Centralista was enacted.” (Historiademexicobreve.com, 2011-2019)
Science: Edmund Davy discovered acetylene on England.
Arts: “On July 29th, In Paris was inaugurated the Triumph´s Arch.”(Varela, 2007-2019) -
World: “On June 20th, Alejandrina Victoria is crowned Queen from United Kingdom & Ireland with the name of Victoria I. It starts the Victorian era.” (Valera, 2007-2019)
Mexico: Anastacio Bustamante was elected. José Justo Corro, the provisional president, leave the power.
Science: “On February 17th, Charles Darwin entered to Geographic Society.”(Varela, 2007-2019)
Arts: “On February 2nd, the Pope Gregorio XVI inaugurated the Etruscan Museum from Vatican”. (Varela, 2007-2019) -
World: “On April 30th, Nicaragua declared its independence from Federal Republic from Central America.” (Varela, 2007-2019)
Mexico: On November 27th, First French Intervention in Mexico started in a battle known as La batalla de San Juan de Ulúa.
Science: “On January 6th, he showed for first time the electric telegraph.” (Varela, 2007-2019)
Arts:On November 28th, it was finished Cádiz Cathedral. -
World: British troops invade China
Mexico: The first French intervention in the history of Mexico concludes with the signing of a peace treaty in which Mexico undertakes to pay 600,000 pesos in compensation to France
Science: Theodor Schwann proposes that all living matter is made up of cells.
Arts: Edgar Allan Poe publishes The Fall of the House of Usher -
World: Muhammad Ali, officially viceroy for the Turkish sultan, establishes his own ruling dynasty on the throne of Egypt.
Mexico: Yucatán declares its separation from Mexico by rejecting the form of centralist government.
Science: Swiss scientist Louis Agassiz argues, in his Study on Glaciers, that much of Europe was recently in the grip of an ice age.
Arts: Robert Schumann composes the song cycle Frauenliebe und -Leben -
World: Robert Peel replaces Lord Melbourne as prime minister after a Conservative victory in the British general election.
Mexico: José Víctor Jiménez Falcón as president.
Science: Fox Talbot patents the 'calotype',
Arts: Edgar Allan Poe publishes The Murders in the Rue Morgue, considered to be the first detective story -
World: Dr. William Brydon, a surgeon in the British Army during the First Anglo-Afghan War, becomes famous for being the sole survivor of an army of 16,500 when he reaches the safety of a garrison in Jalalabad.
Mexico:Mexican troops led by Ráfael Vásquez invade Texas
Arts: Giuseppe Verdi's third opera Nabucco premieres at La Scala in Milan; its success establishes Verdi as one of Italy's foremost operatic composers. -
World:The world does not end, contrary to the first prediction by American preacher William Miller.
Mexico: Naval Battle of Campeche: Naval Battle between the Mexican Navy versus the Texas Navy and the Yucatán Navy. The battle features the most advanced warships of its day.
Science:Carl Mosander discovers the chemical elements Terbium and Erbium.
Arts:Gaetano Donizetti's opera "Don Pasquale" premieres in Paris. -
World:Dominican Republic gained independence from Haiti (National Day)
Mexico:U.S. Congress declared war on Mexico.
Science:1st dental use of nitrous oxide, Hartford, Connecticut.
Arts:Opera "Stradella" after being rewritten is produced (Hamburg). -
World:Near Montevideo, Uruguay, the French Anglo begin the Anglo-French blockade of the Rio de la Plata with justification that the Argentine army participated in the big war in Uruguay.
México: An earthquake affects several buildings in Mexico City among them the Arches of Bethlehem and also damages Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz and Zacatecas.
Science: The journal Scientific American begins publication.
Arts: Adolphe Sax invents the saxophone. -
World: in Rome, Cardinal Ferretti is elected pope by the name of Pius IX.
Mexico: The war between the United States and Mexico was between the years of 1846 and 1848. It began as a result of the intentions of expansion by the United States, whose first step was the creation of the Republic of Texas.
Science: September 23: discovery of the planet Neptune.
Arts: May 5: Henryk Sienkiewicz born, he was a Polish writer, famous for many books , he even win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905.. -
World: in Honshu Japan the Zenkoji earthquake happens where 8600 people die.
Mexico: the battle of Chapultepec.
Science: December 1st: A unified schedule is established for all of Britain, which has the same time throughout the island. Later, this idea will be transferred to the rest of the world creating the different time zones.
Arts: The fallen angel, Portrait of Lucifer, the most beautiful angel, full of anger towards its creator. -
World: Britain takes Mosquito Coast from Nicaragua
Mexico: Mexico loses half of its territory to the hands of the U.S.
Science: William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin proposes the theory of the absolute zero.
Arts: Thomas Gibson Crawford creates the sculpture titles “Mexican Girl Dying ” -
World: The California Gold Rush begins
Mexico: The state of Guerrero in erected.
Science: Hippolyte Fizeau and Léon Foucault measure the speed of light to be about 298,000 km/s.
Arts: The “Academia de Pintura” in created in Santiago, being this the first school to teach arts. -
World: British blockade Piraeus, Greece, to enforce mercantile claims
Mexico: The first part of the railway in mexico is inaugurated.
Science: Joel Houghton made and invented the first patented dishwasher in 1850. This invention made washing dishes easier.
Arts: Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky paints “The Ninth Wave”