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Hussein's ba'ath party- Iraq
They ruled Iraq between 1968 and 2003, they espoused different ideas than the terrorists. -
Since he became presedent of Iraq his actions began causing concerns around the world. -
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The US embassy seized -Iran
From Nov 4th 1979 to Jan 20th 1981. They were seized by Militant supporters. -
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Iran and Iraq war
The two fought over shatt al-arab waterway from 1980 to 1988 -
Ordered the use of poison gas aginst Iraqi Kurds. -
Libyan agents bombed 270 on Pan Am Flight 103 over scotland
New york world trade center
A car bomb was placed in the underground garage damnged the world center, killing 6 and hurting 1,000 -
Truck bomb
A truck bomb blew up an apartment complex in Saudi Arabia, this killed 19 US soldiers. -
Al-Qaeda Bin Laden
He declared war aginst the US in 1996 because the the US support of Saudi Arabia and Israel. -
Kenya and Tanzania
US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed killing 190 and wounding nearly 5,000 people. -
USS Cole in Yemen Bombed
This killed 17 US personnel -
Terroist planes crashed into the twin towers there was around 3,000 fatalities.
Al-Qaeda caused this. -
US bombs Afghanistan
Bombed thwm in 2001 in order to get to the person the leader was sheltering. -
Nightclub in Kuta bombed killing 202
Two apartment bombings in Riyadh Al-Qaeda
Capital Jakarta car bombs killing 12
Turkey truck bombings Al-Qaeda
Oil comaony attacks in Khobar Al-Qaeda
Australlian embassy bombed
Killed anywhere from 9 to 11 people -
England train and buses bombed
There were a reported 56 deaths -
Resort hotels bombed
Killing around 88 people inEgypt -
Bombing in Jordan killed 60