The National Association of State Directors of Special Education was formed. https://www.nasdse.org/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx -
Special Education Supervisor
The field discovered there was a need for someone with familiarity in the areas of special education in addition to possessing specific understanding on the varied needs of the special needs population. -
The National Association of Retarded Citizens formed. Goal of such group was to promote the welfare of mentally retarded persons of all ages and to prevent mental retardation.
https://www.thearc.org/who-we-are/history/segal-account -
Brown vs Board of Education
Pivotal case providing the legal basis for the mandate to include students with disabilities. The case was actually formulated on the basis of race and segregation yet extended to individuals with disabilities.
http://disabilityjustice.org/right-to-education/ -
Training for Professional Personnel
One of the early enactments focusing on training special education teachers.
http://www.cengage.com/resource_uploads/downloads/0534626416_36520.pdf -
Handbook for Special Education
Leo Connor developed first the first handbook meant to demonstrate efforts in training in those educating individuals with disabilities. -
The term "Least Restrictive Environment" was coined as a way to discuss placement of students. -
Learning Disabilities
The term "learning disabilities" widens the umbrella as to who qualifies for special education services. -
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act
A $1.33 billion commitment to improve elementary and secondary education. Enactment contained six sections, or titles. Title I was aimed at developing programs and curriculum materials to better serve economically disadvantaged children and students with disabilities.
http://www.cengage.com/resource_uploads/downloads/0534626416_36520.pdf -
University Council for Education Administration is formed to improve training for education administrators.
http://www.ucea.org/ -
Mills vs. Board of Education
Mills vs. Board of Education - landmark case mandating free and appropriate public education for all children with disabilities (FAPE).
http://www.usedulaw.com/438-mills-v-board-of-education-of-the-district-of-columbia.html -
FERPA is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.
https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
The passage of Public Law 94-142 changed the direction of special education administration leadership practices to include new responsibilities for implementing the new federal law Including LRE and FAPE provisions.
https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-89/pdf/STATUTE-89-Pg773.pdf -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (P.L. 94-142) mandates a preschool program to serve children ages three through five, to establish a new Early Intervention State Grant Program for infants and toddlers from birth through age two, and to expand and improve various discretionary programs within the Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA) programs. President Reagan signed the bill into law on October 8, 1986.
https://nfb.org/Images/nfb/Publications/fr/fr9/Issue3/f090308.html -
Handicapped Children's Protection Act
The EAHCA mandates that public schools receiving financial support from the federal government give children with disabilities nondiscriminatory access to all education and food programs; the HCPA adds a clause concerning legal costs for individuals who prevail in a lawsuit based on the EAHCA.
https://www.craftlegal.com/2016/11/08/handicapped-childrens-protection-act/ -
Initiation of the current special education laws for students. Students from ages birth-21 are covered under the IDEA. This law is also a challenge in special education as it protects parents and students in terms of due process.
https://sites.ed.gov/idea/statute-chapter-33 -
IDEA Amendments
A major restructuring of IDEA. The amendments modified the construction of IEPs; enhanced the educational accountability of students with disabilities; gave local schools greater latitude in disciplining students enrolled in special education; offered mediation services to parents in an effort to resolve disputes; revised the formula for the distribution of federal appropriations. -
No Child Left Behind represented a major effort at educational reform and increased accountability.
https://www2.ed.gov/nclb/landing.jhtml -
Reauthorization of IDEA
Amendments called for early intervention for students, greater accountability and improved educational outcomes, and raised the standards for instructors who teach special education. It also required states to demand that LEAs shift up to 15% of their special education funds toward general education if disproportionate number of students from minority groups were placed in special education for reasons other than disability.
https://www2.ed.gov/policy/speced/guid/idea/tb-discipline.pdf -
Field Analysis
Yates conducted a field analysis and identified three major forces impacting special education administration:
1. Movement for integration, desegregation, and normalization of services for students with disabilities.
2. Linkages of general and special education complementary disciplines.
3. Societal commitment to all students. -
Administrative Certification
States begin to develop stringent criteria for Special Education Administration certification https://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/Teachers-Administrators/Certification%20Preparation%20Programs/Specific%20Program%20Guidelines/SupervisorofSpecialEducation.pdf -
Moving Forward
NASDSE recently conducted a forum identifying challenges as special education administration moves forward.
1.Insufficient leadership preparation to serve diverse populations
2.Insufficient ongoing PD.
3.Insufficient alignment among preparation, evaluation, and standards
4.Insufficient knowledge among principals
5.Insufficient leadership skills
6.Insufficient sensitivity to issues experiences by diverse student populations