Timeline Of Russian History

By clock
  • Jun 17, 1200

    Mongols conquier Kievan Rus

    Mongols conquier Kievan Rus
    The Mongols from Central Asia invade and conquier Kievan Rus
  • Dec 31, 1480

    Ivan the III

    Ivan the III
    Ivan the III rejected Mongol rule and declaired independence and became known as Ivan the Great
  • Mar 19, 1547

    Ivan IV

    Ivan IV
    After Muskovy became Russia Ivan became Czar and ruled harshly with using a secret police and he got the title Ivan the Terrible
  • Russia and Europe

    Russia and Europe
    In the early 1700s Russia wanted contact with Europe and Peter the Great built a new capital- St.Petersburg and it was close to Europe
  • French army invasion

    French army invasion
    The Franch army lead by Napoleon invaded Russia, although they had to retreat back to France because of the cold
  • Alexander II

    Alexander II
    Alexander II freed the countries 40 million serfs
  • WW1 truce

    WW1 truce
    Russia joined with France and Britain to fight Germany and Austria in WW1
  • A revolution

    A revolution
    In 1917 the people had a revolution that forced Czar Nicholas II out of his powerful position. Later that year Vladimir Lenin led a second revolt that overthrew the temporay government.
  • Joseph Stalin gets power

    Joseph Stalin gets power
    Joseph Stalin got his position as ruler after Lenin's death and Stalin had prevented the Russians from practicing their religion
  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

    Germany invades the Soviet Union
    Germany invaded the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union then joined with Great Britian and the U.S. to defeat the Germans.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Mikhail Gorbachev became the new leader of the Soviet Union and quickly began a number of reforms in the Soviet Union
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    From the early 1940's to the 1990's the Soviet Union and the U.S. struggled for world influence, it was called the cold war because there was no combat.
  • Cumminism falls

    Cumminism falls
    In 1991 all of the regions communist governments had fallen, the Soviet Union broke up and became Russia
  • Slavs built a civilization

    Slavs built a civilization
    The early Slavs bult a civilization around the city of Kiev, today the capital of Ukraine.