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Timeline of Robots

By Luxuria
  • 212 BCE


    Archimedes was born in 287 BC and died in 212 BC. He didn't build any robots himself but invented many parts used in robots today.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci designed what may be the first humanoid robot. It was designed to sit down and wave its arm while opening and closing it's jaw.
  • First Dolls

    First Dolls
    In the 18th century automated dolls became very popular toys for the rich. They were made to look like humans or animals.
  • The term "Robot" is made

    The term "Robot" is made
    The word was first used in a play made by a Czech writer called Karel Capek. The play was called "R.U.R" or "Rossum's Universal Robot". The play was about a man who made a robot to replace him however the robot ends up killing him.
  • Isaac Asimov

    Isaac Asimov
    Asimov was a science fiction writer who created "The three laws of robotics".
    Law 1:
    A robot may not harm a human or let humans come to harm. Law 2:
    A robot must obey orders given to them by humans unless they conflict with higher order law. Law 3:
    A robot must protect itself unless it conflicts with a higher order law
  • Raymond Goertz

    Raymond Goertz
    Raymond Goertz created the first teleoperated articulated arm for the atomic energy commision technology.
  • George Devol

    George Devol
    George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot. The robot was called UNIMATE.
  • Sputnik

    The soviet union made the first automated satellite. It was 22,8 inches in diameter and weighed 183,9 pounds.
  • Hiroshi Makino

    Hiroshi Makino
    Hiroshi Makino designed the first mechanical arm used in factories.
  • Cornell University

    Cornell University made the first self replicating robots.