Timeline of Revenue Acts

  • the Proclamation of 1763

    the Proclamation of 1763
    the Proclamation of 1763 stated that colonist could not venture west of the appellation mountains. this rendered the land-grant the colonist got from the British void. this angered the colonist and they often ignored the proclamation. the British didn't enforce the proclamation often.
  • sugar act

    sugar act
    the sugar act was was the first tax that only effected the colonists. it made it so for every pound of sugar you had to pay three pence. the colonist did not support the tax.
  • the quartering act

    the quartering act
    the quartering act stated that citizens of the colonies would have to house soldiers. this meant that soldiers could go into their homes and make themselves right at home.
  • stamp act

    stamp act
    the stamp act took effect in 1765. it made it so you had to have a stamp on any printed documents. the stamps price depended on the importance of the document. the colonist did not support the tax "no taxation without representation". its fare to say the British did not like the way the colonists reacted to the tax.
  • the declaratory act

    the declaratory act
    the declaratory act stated that parliament could pass any law and it would be binding to the colonies. many colonist didn't realize the act was passed due to the stamp act being repealed.