timeline of revenue acts

  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act required colonists to provide room and board for British soldiers. The colonists disliked being required to open their homes to soldiers so they refused to. Parliament reacted by barring the New York governor from passing any legislation until the colonists complied. History.com Editors. “Parliament Passes the Quartering Act.” HISTORY, 23 Mar. 2021, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/parliament-passes-the-quartering-act.
  • Boston Port Act

    The Boston Port Act closed the Boston port and required the colonists to pay for the damages of the Boston tea party equal to nearly 1 million USD in today's time. The colonists, especially merchants were terrified for the economy because of the closing of the port. History.com Editors. “Parliament Passes the Boston Port Act.” HISTORY, 23 Mar. 2020, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/parliament-passes-the-boston-port-act.
  • massachusetts government act

    massachusetts government act
    the Massachusetts government act gave more power to royally appointed government officials and restructured the entire government. The goal of the act was to give more power to the crown in Massachusetts. The colonists were angered by this as their basic government structure was flipped. “The Massachusetts Government Act; May 20, 1774.” American Battlefield Trust, www.battlefields.org/learn/primary-sources/massachusetts-government-act-may-20-1774.
  • Administration of Justice Act

    Administration of Justice Act
    The administration of justice act was to ensure the right to a fair trial for british officials being charged with capital offences. the act had any British official charged moved to England. the colonists believed they would be acquitted there so they named the act the "murder act". The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Administration of Justice Act | Definition and Facts.” Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 July 2019, www.britannica.com/topic/Administration-of-Justice-Act-Great-Britain-1774.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec Act
    The Quebec act was passed to ensure the loyalty of the Canadians in the Quebec province to the British crown. It also had many provisions around religion one of which protected the roman catholic faith. The colonists felt this act was passed to drive a wedge between the American colonists and the French Canadians to the north. “Quebec Act of 1774.” The First Amendment Encyclopedia, www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/1034/quebec-act-of-1774.