Timeline of Revenue Acts

By ryleedw
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This Proclamation was a British made line in the Appellation Mountains which prohibited colonists from settling on the land that the British acquired from France in the 7 years war. This made many of the colonists angry especially those who had already settled in this land and were forced to move. To the British not making this Proclamation and letting the settlers settle this area was a threat because with the resources of this land the colonies could have the chance to become independent.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar act was to stop the smuggling trade of sugar in the colonies so they put a tax on it for 3 pence per pound. The colonies saw this as a burden and a bother and the agreed that because they didn't have a representative with England they shouldn't be able to be charged tax's. England used this as a way to control the colonists and keep them in control.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp Act taxed newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, dice, playing cards, and more and when this tax was payed a stamp would be fixed to them to show that they had been payed for. The colonist reacted by a lot or rioting because they thought that this was wrong of the English to do. The English thought that this was an excellent way to keep the colonies in check.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend act taxed good that were imported into the American Colonies and when the colonist objected to this British sent more troops to enforce these new laws. Most of the colonists saw this as an abuse of power from the English parliament because they had no representation in the government. This for the British was to get funds that they needed from the debt that they were in after the French and Indian war.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    On the night of the Boston Massacre a fight broke out between a group of colonists and British soldiers after a soldier beat a colonist. When other colonists figured out what was going on they pelted snowballs at the soldier to stop him which lead to several soldiers firing into the crowd of colonists killing 5. To the colonists this was just another reason for them to fall away from British command and fight for their independence. This caused the British to withdraw their troops from Boston.