Global bacteria petri dish

Timeline of Pandemics

  • 430 BCE

    The Plague of Athens

    The Plague of Athens
    The plague of Athens occurred in the city of Athens, and killed 75,000 to 100,000 people. The epidemic is thought to be the first form of the bubonic plague.
  • 165 BCE

    Antinone Plague

    Antinone Plague
    The Antinone Plague occurred in the Roman Empire, and killed around 5 million people. The disease is thought to be the first cases of smallpox or measles.
  • 541

    The Plague of Justinian

    The Plague of Justinian
    The Plague of Justinian occurred in the Eastern Roman Empire and killed approximately 25 million people. The cause of the disease of a bacteria called Yersinia Pestis.
  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was one of the worst pandemics in history. The disease killed an estimated 450 million and 75 million people were affected. The disease spread worldwide.
  • First Cholera Pandemic

    First Cholera Pandemic
    Cholera is a disease that is caused by contaminated food or water. The first cholera outbreak spread through the Southeast Asia to the Middle East. The amount of deaths is still unknown.
  • Third Pandemic

    Third Pandemic
    The pandemic was the third influenza pandemic which started in Yunman, China. The pandemic went for over five decades and caused around 15 million deaths.
  • Spanish Flu

    Spanish Flu
    The Spanish Flu was the first influenza pandemic, which affected almost 500 million people worldwide. The illness 20 - 50 million people dead.
  • Asian Flu

    Asian Flu
    It was the second influenza pandemic that spread worldwide. 1 to 2 million deaths occurred and the virus spread throughout Asia and to the United States.
  • Hong Kong Flu

    Hong Kong Flu
    The Hong Kong Flu was the third outbreak of the influenza virus, and killed an estimated one million people. The virus could be passed through sneezes or coughs.

    HIV is a virus which can lead to AIDS if it is left untreated. The first cases of HIV/ AIDS were recorded in the 1980’s. As of 2011, the illness has killed 25 million people, and affected 60 million.