Timeline of Kalanda Crumity

By Kalanda
  • Timeline Of Kalanda Crumity

    Timeline Of Kalanda Crumity
    I was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I attended RM Bacon Elementary School.
  • Inspirational Teacher

    Inspirational Teacher
    Mrs. Beasley, was my second-grade teacher. She was kind, caring, and supportive. She was an effective teacher, I wanted to learn, and I enjoyed learning. She encouraged students to do their best. Mrs. Beasley inspired me to be a teacher.
  • Elementary Students Exhibit Art Show

    Elementary Students Exhibit Art Show
    I won the honorable mention, K-3 division award, my photo was taken and put in the local newspaper.
  • Bulliied

    From the second week that school began until the day before our Christmas break, I was bullied by a 6th grade boy. He pushed me every day when we walked into class and he pushed me or hit me when class was dismissed, and when we were out in the hall. One day I decided that enough was enough, so right before our Christmas break he hit me after class in the hall way. So, I took matters in my own hands and I beat him like he stole something! He never put his hands on me again.
  • Homecoming queen

    Homecoming queen
    I was the homecoming queen my senior year in high school.
  • Florida A & M University

    Florida A & M University
    I went to college right after high school. I always wanted to attend FAMU.
  • Car Accident

    Car Accident
    Right after I went to college I was involved in a head on collision. I was pried out of my car, it was televised. I was out of school for several months recovering. However, I went back to FAMU for the spring semester.
  • Transfer

    I transferred from FAMU to Warner and I received my bachelor’s degree from Warner.
  • Career

    I started teaching at a public school in 2011.
  • Master's in education

    Master's in education
    In January of 2017. I decided to go back to college to get my master's to further my career in education.