
Timeline of Kendyll Simmons (2004 - Present)

  • president bush re elected

    president bush re elected
    George W.Bush was going up against John Kerry. The poles were 48.3% was Kerry's and 51.3% was Bush's.
  • Iphone introduced

    Iphone introduced
    January 9, 2007, at the annual Macworld show in San Francisco Steve Jobs, had unveiled the new iPhone. The first thing to come out was the iPod and then apple wanted to merge a phone and an iPod to create an iPhone.
  • Barack obama wins presidency

    Barack obama wins presidency
    Barack Obama was going against John McCain. the poles were 45.7% for McCain and 53.3% for Obama. The 2008 election was the first election in 50 years, in where there was no incumbent President or Vice President from neither party competing for the Presidential nomination.
  • Christmas in the Hospital

    Christmas in the Hospital
    My little brother had been in and out of hospitals for most of his life, and there were times when the family would be spilt for some time so my parents could be with my brother. This one year we didn't want to be separated so we got some mattresses and blankets to be in his hospital room and we spent Christmas together and opened presents under some fake random tree (inserts laugh). we had to drag the presents with a little red wagon from his floor down to the carport area thousands of times.
  • boston marathon bombing

    boston marathon bombing
    The Marathon was held on April 15, 2013, two bombs had gone off near the finish line which was located by Copley Square. 3 people were dead, and 264 were injured. 16 people lost their limbs. The injured were treated at 27 hospitals and those arriving near the finish line were diverted away from the bomb scene.
  • Eddie

    Eddie was my dog we had him when I was 2, But when he was 11 he was diagnosed with cancer and we had to put him down so he wasn't in any more pain. It was really hard since he was with me for most of my life.
  • New Mexico Vacation

    New Mexico Vacation
    In the summer of 2018, I and My family of five went to New Mexico to visit my Aunt. We went through a tone of different states. While we were there we got stuck in a field of sand and had to push the car out back onto the road.
  • Grandparents Return

    Grandparents Return
    My grandparents had moved out to New Mexico temporarily, it was only meant to be for a year but ended up being a lot more. My parents had asked us to get in the car since they wanted to take a drive to drop somethings off, and we ended up at this house. they told us to go knock on the door, which I thought was strange, but we did it anyway, We ended up knocking and my grandparents had opened up the door, we were so excited to see them and know that they moved back to Michigan.
  • Otis

    It was about two weeks before my freshman year started and my parents had left to go get something. They ended up getting a puppy or dog not quite sure what to call him but he was 8 or 9 months and is now 2 years old. We share a birthday month with I'm happy about.
  • Covid-19 spreads around the world

    Covid-19 spreads around the world
    The first report was in December 2019 in Wuhan China. In the United States, the first case arrived in January in Washington State and New York, however, soon became the epicenter of the disease. On September 5th, 2020, there had been 26,959,771 cases reported worldwide, and 881,529 deaths. The United States had 6,413,086 cases and 192,458 deaths. Mid-October, the number had reached 40,000,000 cases worldwide with 1,126,000 deaths. the United States had reached 8,275,000 cases and 221,000 deaths.