timeline of my life

By amather
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in the Calvary
    Hospital in Hobart.
  • Volcano errupted

    Volcano errupted
    A volcano buried the Caribbean city of
    Saint-Pierre in 1902. The
    Volcano, on Mount Pelee, boiled over and killed 30,000 people. This is important because of the size of the destruction.
  • My little sister was born.

    My little sister was born.
    Natasha was born (my Little sister was born). When she got home she cry and destroyed lego.
  • The first human to float around in space.

    The first human to float around in space.
    In 1984 navy Captain McCandless was the first human to float out of a space shuttle. He was riding the Challenger, which was going
    17 000 miles per hour in space. This is important because they can mend the space station.
  • Started school

    I started kinder in
    Saint Aloysius, Kingston.
  • Mary Queen of Scots beheaded

    Mary Queen of Scots beheaded
    Mary Queen of Scots got
    Beheaded in 1507. Mary made plots to kill Queen Elizabeth of England and she got found out so she got killed after 19 years as
    Queen. This is important because a Queen was
  • New school

    New school
    I changed schools toIllawarra Primary, Blackmans Bay. I was was and did not have any friends and was nerves. after a few weeks i made lots of friends and was not nerves.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    The Russian Japanese war started in 1904. It started
    because Russia did not accept a plan from Japan
    to divide Manchuria and Korea. As a result Japan
    attacked Port Arthur, a Russian navel
    base in China. This is important because it was
    the start of a war.
  • Another brother

    Another brother
    Henry (my little Brother) was born. He is fun to play with but he can be really annoying
  • Star Wares

    Star Wares
    Star Wars starts 1977. Star Wars opens with an
    explosion as it went to movies around the world.
    Star Wars won seven Oscars and a gross ticket
    sales of six hundred million US dollars. This is
    important in history because Star Wars has lots
    of seqauls that are still popular today.
  • Ski trip

    Ski trip
    We went skiing at Mt Selwyn in NSW which was really fun.
  • Atomic bomb

    Atomic bomb
    First test of an atomic bomb. The atomic
    bomb was first tested in 1945 in Mexico. This
    is important because atomic bombs are still really dangerous today.
  • Benny dog

    Benny dog
    My family got a dog. Who is a good dog that likes to go on walks with me.
  • Machu Picchu

    Machu Picchu
    Machu Picchu was discovered in 1911.
    Hiram Bingham an American archaeologist.
    discovered Machu Picchu. He went to South
    America with a small group of explorers to find
    to find the lost cities of the Incans. This is
    significant because Machu Picchu is one of the
    seven wonders of the world