Lisabeth Fiser-Timeline

  • My Dad Came Home

    My Dad Came Home
    I got to see my dad for the first time I remember. He was there for my birth and a little bit after that. He was deployed in Iraq at that time I think. About a year later he resigned.
  • I Started Dance

    I Started Dance
    When I was three I started dance. I was in it for ten years. I'm not in it anymore, though.
  • My First Time Playing My Favorite Sport

    My First Time Playing My Favorite Sport
    This was something really important to me. I started playing softball in Elma, then at the end of second grade I played for Charles City and Elma. Playing at Elma made me realize my love for pitching, and just for the game of softball.
  • Preschool

    I started Preschool when I was four. I went to St. Johns for preschool. That was the real start of my school education
  • Start of Kindergarten

    Start of Kindergarten
    I started Kindergarten when I was five. It was a big day because it was the day I started school. I always really enjoyed school, and learning.
  • First Two Siblings Left The House

    First Two Siblings Left The House
    Both my brothers went to college at the same time, and they moved in together. I only reemeber living with all of my siblings for about 3 or 4 years.
  • My Great Grandma Died

    My Great Grandma Died
    It was the first relative of mine that I remember it happening to. I remember my grandpa, but no so much his death. She was the only great grandparent I got to know, and one of the only ones who I really felt connected to.
  • First Day of Middle School

    First Day of Middle School
    The first day of middle school wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. I was 11 when I started middle school.
  • My Mom Got Remarried

    My Mom Got Remarried
    On that day I gained a new family member. I really liked that day mostly because I got to see all of my family, some I don't even get to see on like Christmas.
  • My Last Sibling Moved Away

    My Last Sibling Moved Away
    Karina, the last sibling of mine to live with us, moved to college. She's living with my brother now. I'm now the only child living at my parents' house.
  • First Job

    First Job
    I'll be starting my first paying job. I need one to save up for my first car.
  • Highschool Softball

    Highschool Softball
    I'll be starting my first year of higschool ball. I'll be very excited.
  • First Day of Highschool

    First Day of Highschool
    I'll start higschool. I will be scared, but not that scared. I won't really know where to go.
  • My First Car

    My First Car
    It won't be a very nice car, but it will run. I saved up all my money to buy it and it will impact my life.
  • Drivers License

    Drivers License
    I'll get my license when I'm 16. I'm going to study a lot for it. It's going to give me the ability to drive without an adult.
  • Graduating Highschool

    Graduating Highschool
    In 2020 I'll graduate highscool. It's going to be very scary and exciting. I will go onto college
  • College

    I want to go to college right away. I want to go to be a Pediatrician.
  • College Softball

    College Softball
    I want to do softball in college. I want to play UNI but I'm not sure.
  • First Job as my Profession

    First Job as my Profession
    I'll get my first job as a Pediatrician. After all the years of school I'd gone through I'd be nervous, but not super nervous.
  • First House

    First House
    This will be the first house I move into with my family. It won't be huge, it will be big enough though.