
Timeline of My Life

  • Hello World

    Hello World
    I was born healthy and ready to take on the world!
  • Period: to

    My Life

  • Toddler Time

    Toddler Time
    I officially began pre-school around this time. Don't really remember much from these times, understandably so! xD
  • Kindergarten

    At about this time I can actually begin to recall some memories. I vividly remember the infamous nap time in school, all the crazy kids, and innocent little mess ups during these times!
    My elementary school:
  • First Car Accident

    First Car Accident
    I have a vague memory of my first experience in a vehicle collision. If I remember correctly, it was a hit and run. I remember our car spinning out and then parking on the side of the road and sitting on the curb with my mom. My mom always loves to remind me of when I said " Mommy, did we get crashed" when the accident happened. Cracks me up every time!
  • First/ Second Grade

    First/ Second Grade
    When I was about 6/7 I went through a stage where I had quite the character. I began to be very mischievous and developed a good sense of humor. My teach from first grade loved our class so much that she moved up to the second grade level WITH US! I'd like to say I played a role in that. I am still in contact with her to this day through social media!
  • First Music Device

    First Music Device
    I remember during this time iPods were super popping. I was so excited to hopefully get on of these one day. My parents were nice enough to purchase me my first music device for Christmas. I still have this around the house somewhere. It is my favorite color, blue. This device would develop my new love for music.
    For history on the iPod, visit
  • First Gaming Device

    First Gaming Device
    From a very young age I loved using my brothers PSP or Playstation. Eventually these were starting to get out of date and there were newer, better versions that came to the market. In 2009 my parents bought me my first console ever, a Playstation 3. I had played video games a bit before this but this device would soon show me that I was in deep love with gaming. Ever since, I have met some amazing people trough these devices and had a blast playing games during free time.
  • Saddest Moment as a Youngster

    Saddest Moment as a Youngster
    Not a fond memory, that for sure. We had a dog named Fluffy that I grew up and loved to pieces. There is something so special about the relationship children can build with an animal. He got very sick and was really struggling in day to day life so we made the decision every pet owner absolutely hates to make. We put Fluffy to rest. This was my first experience with death and I remember it being a very very depressing time for me as a youngster. I became a huge animal lover thanks to Fluffy.
  • Beginning Middle School

    Beginning Middle School
    Beginning Middle School was a scary time for me, in honesty. I had no clue what to expect and when I stepped foot on campus, everyone seemed so grown up compared to me. Little did I know, these two years would end up being some of the best of my life and I would meet some amazing people. People since then have changed, but I will never forget the amazing times I experienced during this era.
  • First Trip to Hawaii

    First Trip to Hawaii
    In 2012 I embarked on my very first journey to the island of Maui. I was absolutely amazed by the beauty of the entire island. Every aspect of it just seemed so perfect. The water was beautiful, the landscaping was out of this world, and so much more. I have visited Maui three more times since and every single visit, the island continues to amaze me in it's entirety!
  • Beginning High School

    Beginning High School
    Beginning High School was intimidating. Even more so than Middle School. I would slowly adjust to being a high schooler.
    Mesquite High:
  • Graduation

    On May 23rd of 2019, I will be officially graduating from public education as a whole. Time flies!
    Information about graduation: