Timeline of my Life

  • My Birthday

    I was born on October 14, 2000. My mom and dad were very happy as I am their first child. Lots of people came to see me in the hospital including my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and my parents' friends. This is the infancy stage.
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  • Moved to the United States

    I moved to the United States with my mom the summer of 2004. My dad had already been here, so he picked us up at the airport along with one of his friends.
  • 1st Day of School

    I remember being very excited to start school. I was a well-behaved student that was always eager to learn. My teacher, Mrs. Cunningham, would always send nice notes home to my mom. This is part of the childhood stage.
  • My sister was born

    I remember this day so well. I was so excited to become a big sister. My dad had picked me up early from school and took me to the hospital to meet my new little sister.
  • My brother was born

    This was another exciting day because I was going to be a big sister again. It was Valentines Day, so at school we had been passing out valentines then I was told my day was there to pick me up to take me to the hospital to meet my brother.
  • Broke my arm

    I had been playing in a soccer game. One of my soccer cleat shoelaces had been untied which caused me to trip and land on my arm. This is an example of gross motor skills and part of the childhood stage.
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  • My Maternal Grandfather Passed Away

    This happened in my adolescence stage. It had been a Saturday morning when my family and I got the news of my grandfather's passing. He had been sick, but we had not been expecting to lose him so soon. It was especially hard because he had been in another country (Cameroon), so we had to travel in order to attend his funeral. I had been close with my grandfather, and every time I go to Cameroon, I visit his grave and pray with him.
  • First Day of High School

    I was so excited but nervous at the same time. I made so many new friends. Honors classes were a challenge, but I got through it with very good grades.
  • Got my First Job

    This was a big step for me because I was being to learn how to be more responsible. This occurred un the adolescence stage.
  • Got accepted into College

    I was so happy that day because I got accepted into my dream college, MCPHS University. This happened in the adolescence stage.
  • Graduated High School

    This day began the start of a new chapter in my life. This occurred in the adolescence stage.
  • Went to Paris for the first time

    It was an amazing trip. I went with my family and we had so much fun. This occurred in the adolescence stage.
  • Started College

    This was the start of a new chapter in my life. I officially entered adulthood and was on my own away from my family.
  • Got attacked by a random man at the train station

    I had been sitting down at the train station waiting for the train to go visit my family. I had been on FaceTime with my friend when a random man that I did not know and never had contact with, randomly hit me in the face with an object he had in a sock. It was a very traumatic experience and I had to go to the ER all by myself. I am just grateful that I ended up being okay and alive because it could've been worse. This happened in the adolescence stage.
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  • Got my license

    This was a milestone for me because I had been waiting to get my license for a long time but kept putting it off. I felt so accomplished when I passed my road test. This happened in adulthood.
  • Got my first car

    To go with my new license, I got a new car! I was so happy because I was able to get it on my own. This happened in adulthood.
  • 21st Birthday

    I always treat my birthday like a regular day, but I told myself that I would really celebrate this one, and I did and had so much fun. This occurred in adulthood.