Timeline of My Life

  • Age 17-18 - Go to College

    Age 17-18 - Go to College
    This is a goal of mine because I want to have a productive future, To do so, I need to go to college and get a degree in something that I am interested in. I will have to take actions needed to get into a good school. I will need to take my schooling seriously in order to get my degree and obtain a job.
  • 21-22 - Graduate from College with a Degree

    21-22 - Graduate from College with a Degree
    This is a goal of mine because I want to get a decent job when I get older. Of course, I do not have to go to college to get a job but if I want a good-paying job, I need to graduate from one. To achieve this goal, I will try as hard as I can to maintain good grades throughout my college carreer.
  • 22-23 - Obtain a Job at an Elementary School

    22-23 - Obtain a Job at an Elementary School
    This is a goal of mine because I want to have a degree in elementary education. I hope that I will be able to get a job relativly soon after I graduate from college. To achieve this goal, I will have to get my degree and search for jobs in areas that I am interested in.
  • 23 - Create a savings account

    23 - Create a savings account
    This is a goal of mine because I want to start saving money for my future. If I start saving at an earlier time, I will have more money for emergencies in the furture or for when I retire. I will do this by putting aside a portion of money every month or every few months.
  • 26-28 Get Married

    26-28 Get Married
    This is a goal of mine because I want to get married at some point in my life. I will achieve this goal by making an attempt to one someone who has the same or similar goals that I do.
  • 27-29 - Get my own place to live

    27-29 - Get my own place to live
    This is a goal of mine because I want to have a decent home to live in. Also, I want to be able to afford this home. I will achieve this goal by saving money and searchng for a place where I can live with whomever I marry.
  • 29-30 Be able to have a kid and afford one.

    29-30 Be able to have a kid and afford one.
    This is a goal of mine because I want to have kids and grow a family of my own when I am older. I will achieve this goal by saving up money and recognizing a time when I can afford a child.
  • 34-36 - Have another kid

    34-36 - Have another kid
    This is a goal of mine because I want to continue to grow my family. I will achieve this goal by preparing for another child and by only having one when I know that I can afford it.
  • 36 - Get a pet for the family

    This is a goal of mine because I want for my family to have a pet that we all can enjoy. I will achieve this goal by only getting a pet when I know that my family can afford it.
  • 38 - Pay for child's medical emergency

    This is an event that I know will come up at some point in my life and I want to be prepared for it. I will pay for this emergency by getting money from my savings account that will have been accumulated over many years.
  • 43 - Get a better job

    This is a goal of mine because I feel like I will want to go out and search for another job so I can get some more money for my future. I will achieve this goal by going out and searching for a job that best buits me and my family.
  • 45 - Buy a new car

    45 - Buy a new car
    This is a goal of mine because I know I will reach a point in my life where I will need to invsest in a new, imporved car for my family and I. I will achieve this goal by getting a loan from the bank that I will be able to pay off over time.
  • 48 - Send first child to college

    This is a goal of mine because I want for my kids to go to college so they can get an education of their own. To achieve this goal, I am going to start preparing early for the money that I will need to put into this fund.
  • 50 - Allow a struggling family friend to move in for some time

    This is a goal of mine because I want to be able to help my close friends when they need help. I will achieve this goal by helping as much as I can to get them back on their feet. I will give them shelter and help them look for a better living situation.
  • 54 - Send second child to college

    This is a goal of mine because I want for all of my kids to be able to go to college. I will achieve this the same way that I achieved it for my first child by saving up many years in advance.
  • 58 - Pay off house morgage

    This is a goal of mine because I want to pay off my final house payments. I will achieve this goal by making the appropriate payments on time and making sure that I have the means to pay my house off.
  • 60 - Spend some time in the hospital because of health problems

    60 - Spend some time in the hospital because of health problems
    This is not really a goal of mine but I know that it is something that will have to happen at some point. I will try my best to have enough in my savings account from previous years so that I can afford to be in the hospital when needed.
  • 62 - Enjoy time with my grandchildren

    This is a goal of mine because I want to be able to spend time with my children's children. I will achieve this goal by being hte best parent that I can be so that my kids will want to come home with their kids to visit.
  • 65 - Retire

    65 - Retire
    This is a goal of mine because I want to be able to retire and settle down after working for so many years. I will achieve this goal by having a stable 401K ans a dent amount of money in my savings.
  • 70 - Move to the beach

    70 - Move to the beach
    This is a goal of mine because I want to get to a point in my life where I can relax and enjoy every day. I will achieve this goal by saving money and only doing this when I know that I am financially stable enough