Timeline of My Life

  • Birth

    I was born on April, 25, 2003 in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California.
  • Brother Born

    Brother Born
    Sadly, I didn't care at the time because when my dad called my babysitter and I from the hospital, I just said okay and hung up. Even though I didn't care at first, I was very excited to be a big sister and to get to play with my brother!
  • Moving

    In the summer of 2009, my family moved from Los Angeles to Ambler, Pennsylvania. I was really excited to get a new house with a fun basement to play in!
  • First day of school!

    First day of school!
    I was very nervous to go to first grade because I was the new kid, but I ended up making a lot of friends!
  • Graduation!

    At 5th grade graduation, I was sad to be leaving my elementary school, and very nervous to start middle school in the fall.
  • Made the tennis team!

    Made the tennis team!
    I made the varsity tennis team in 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th and I am very happy!!
  • Family Vacation

    Family Vacation
    I was very exited to go to California with my family
  • High School

    High School
    I was kind of nervous to start high school, but I was also very excited for what the future will hold!