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Timeline Of my Life

  • Born

    Columbia Women's Hospital, Washington DC @ 8:45
  • Period: to

    Age 0-10

    Attended Manor Montessori for two years, Until age 5 when I attended Potomac Elementary. I had many playdates, took ballet and played at my mom's company, KidZone (Discovery Zone) every week. Lived in Potomac MD, parents divorced at age 7.
  • Period: to

    Trust vs. Mistrust

    I was very close to my mother, and I was afraid whenever she left me. I needed her for everything.
  • Period: to

    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    I was still very close to both parents, I was toilet trained and I learned how to put on dresses and hats. With help, I was learning to become myself.
  • Toilet Trained!

    Toilet Trained!
  • Period: to

    Initiative vs Guilt

    I grew close to my brothers and my cousins. I would draw lots of pictures and ask lots of questions.
  • Period: to

    Industry vs. Inferiority

    I grew close with my neighbors and made two best friends, Bethany and Billie. I started playing MSI soccer and field hockey. I was very influenced by social acceptance.
  • Period: to

    Age 10-20

    I first go to Holy child where I play field hockey, lacrosse along with going to dances and hang out with friends. I am into social pressure but once leaving Bullis and graduating high school I become more aware of the person I want to be. I attend UVM and major in psychology with a minor in the performing arts.
  • won MSI Soccer Championship!

    won MSI Soccer Championship!
    With Fellow Classmates.
  • Period: to

    Identitiy vs. Role Confusion

    I still work on social relationships, and I am attempting to discover what type of person I am and want to be by trial and error.
  • Period: to

    Identity vs Role Confusion

    I start to wonder about the person I want to become. Through school and extracurriculars, I slowly discover what I want.
  • First Bullis Performance

    First Bullis Performance
    Black Box theatre Production; "Anton in Showbusiness"
  • Get my two Corgis!

    Get my two Corgis!
    Koopa and Boo
  • High School Graduation!

    High School Graduation!
    I graduate from Bullis School.
  • My first Job: Counselor at Camp Tall Timbers

    My first Job: Counselor at Camp Tall Timbers
  • Decided Major: Psychology

    Decided Major: Psychology
    at UVM
  • Vote in the Presidential Election for the first time!

    Vote in the Presidential Election for the first time!
  • Period: to

    Age 20-30

    I recieve my bachelors and move right outside of Manhattan, NY to study criminology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Two years into studying at John Jay and being a hostess at Tao, I gain recognition from the director of Criminal Minds, and get a part regularly on the show.
  • Period: to

    Intimacy vs. Isolation

    I begin to date certain people in college, through heartbreak and intimacy I learn what type of person I want to be in a relationship with. I settle with Matthew Gray Gubler.
  • Graduated from UVM

    Graduated from UVM
    Received my Bachelor's Degree
  • Entered John Jay College to Pursue my Career

    Entered John Jay College to Pursue my Career
    in Criminology
  • Joined the cast of Criminal Minds

    Joined the cast of Criminal Minds
  • Period: to

    Age 30-40

    I developed a relationship with Matthew Gray Gubler on the set of criminal minds and when It was not renewed for a new season, We moved to Montana to settle down in my mother's hometown, Red Lodge, Montana. I join the small-town police force as a criminal psychologist.
  • Married Matthew!

    Married Matthew!
  • Moved to Red Lodge, Montana.

    Moved to Red Lodge, Montana.
  • Took position as Criminal Psychologist

    Took position as Criminal Psychologist
    in Red Lodge
  • Period: to

    Age 40-50

    After retiring from the police force in Montana, I spent four years living in the Siem Reap province of Cambodia with Matthew aiding the Caring for Cambodia Schools. I returned to Nevada for two years to be with my mom, for I felt that I had been traveling too much away from her.
  • Period: to

    Generativity vs. Stagnation

    I start taking care of my mom and spending as much time as I can with her. She lost her father at a young age and I want to be sure to be there for her for family is always the most important thing.
  • Became the new Gibbs

    Became the new Gibbs
  • Move in with my Niece, Anna.

    Move in with my Niece, Anna.
  • Period: to

    Age 50-60

    I move to marlyand after being offered a part in NCIS replacing Mark Harmon as a "Gibbs" type character. I didn't become the highest paid actress like he did, however I did gain recognition with my witty one-liners. I get two corgi's too keep my company as Matthew performs on Broadway, making use of his theater skills once again.
  • Go back to my hometown to stay with my family.

    Go back to my hometown to stay with my family.
  • Period: to

    Age 60-70

    I retire at the age of 60, desiring to be as close as possible with all of my relatives. I attend every soccer game, dance recital and graduation. I end up living with my neice, Anna, for a while to take care of her kids. I finally settle in a retirement home in Tombstone, Arizona
  • Retired!

  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity vs Despair

    I find sastifaction with my life. I have traveled different places and I have become my own person in my own way. I had my own type of influence on the world.
  • Period: to

    Age 70-80

    Still settled in Tombstone, Matthew and I work with a youth group to better boys and girls for their future.
  • Write my will

    Write my will
    I distribute evenly to all my close relatives, and ask that my niece donates a good amount of money to a school in Siem Reap
  • Period: to

    Age 80-90

    I am completely settled down now. two years into my eighties I stop with the work group and end up taking care of the large garden in my backyard.
  • Completed my bountiful garden!

    Completed my bountiful garden!
  • 2078, the end of my lifetime.

    2078, the end of my lifetime.
    To my family, my friends and my beloved Matthew, I hope you have the fruitful life that I have experienced. I cannot say enough how grateful I am for all of you in my life. Thank you for everything. Do not mourn for me, I do not regret anything I have done in my life for it has made me a better person. I love you all. I will always be with you.