Timeline of my life

  • Born

  • Lost My First Tooth

    Lost My First Tooth
  • First In-N-Out Burger

    First In-N-Out Burger
  • First Band Camp

    First Band Camp
  • 18th Birthday

    18th Birthday
  • Got Accepted to the University of Kentucky

    Got Accepted to the University of Kentucky
  • Started Web Design

    Started Web Design
  • Alabama Trip

    Alabama Trip
    On my journey to all the states of America, Hopefully by now i can check off alabama, louisiana, and Mississppi off states been traveled. Leaving Alaska to travel to.
  • Graduate From College, start job

    Graduate From College, start job
    Go to University of Kentucky, make sure i found a major I desire to master, and get a job in that field.
  • Alaska Trip

    Alaska Trip