For study 1

Timeline of my exposure to traditional and new media

By eyareya
  • The year I was born.

    The year I was born.
    This is the year that I was born. According to my research, people in this day already have the cellphones. They use it to call and to also text someone from afar. It is really popular at that time because of its quality of being convenient.
  • Television

    I really love watching cartoons in our television back then. I can watch every cartoon that is being broadcasted by a certain channel. My parents usually use televisions to watch their favorite telenovela and to also watch news be updated.
  • My exposure to a cellphone

    My exposure to a cellphone
    As far as I can remember, this is the first time I encounter a phone which has a colored screen. Unlike from the previous version of phones, this one is better and colorful. This phone is the first device ever to feature the dual SIM functionality, you can put two sim cards in this phone, unlike before when you can only put one. This phone is the better version of the previous phones. And phones keeps on improving time by time.
  • Touchscreen phones

    Touchscreen phones
    This is my first time to encounter a touchscreen phone, as far as I can remember this is the year when my mother brought a new phone. You can touch the screen of this phone, you can also download some games, videos and musics.
  • Computers and Internet

    Computers and Internet
    I remember that my parents bought a secondhand computer. This is better than phones. You can surf through internet. You can play games offline and online. With the help of internet, you can watch videos, listen to music and even play exciting games. This is the time that I was introduced in the world of internet.
  • Facebook

    This is the time I made my Facebook account. I'm still using the same account I made in this year. Facebook is been my favorite social media platform, I usually play games here with my friends and we also communicate each other with the use of Facebook. You can update your friends about your everyday life by using the said social media platform. This is the year that Facebook is not that toxic yet.
  • Twitter

    This is the time I made my twitter account. In twitter you can also update your followers about your everyday life. You can follow your favorite celebrities here and be updated in their lives. Twitter is a social media platform where you can also get news and be updated about your surroundings.
  • Online class

    Online class
    Today, we are experiencing a global pandemic. It's been months since this online class started. With the help of new technology we are able to study in our houses with the use of laptops, phones, televisions and radios. Social media platforms also helped us to make this online class possible. We use "google classrooms" to update ourselves on what activities we should do and pass. We use "google meet" to attend our online class and we use "messenger" to keep ourselves in touch with our teachers.