pre industrial technology
this is the first day that i started using diapers amd other baby stuff -
pre industrial technology
this is the day that i started using baby toys -
pre industrial technology
where i started to learn how to fit different kinds of shapes -
pre industrial technology
the year where i started to learn how to walk -
electronic technology
the day that i started to sing -
pre industrial technology
the year that i started writing and drawing things -
pre industrial technology
this is the year that i started using backpacks -
electronic technology
where i played my first rc car -
pre industrial technology
this is the year that i started to play and got addicted to basketball -
pre industrial technology
this is when my dad taught me how to ride a bicycle -
electronic technology
my first time to ride an airplane for a trip to boracay -
electronic technology
where i got my first playing console -
pre industrial technology
the year that i started wearing grasses -
electronic technology
the first time to use an mp3 and got addicted to music -
electronic technology
my first time to ride a bus -
electronic technology
wherein i got my first phone -
pre industrial technology
the year that i learned how to play a guitar -
electronic technology
the year that we got a wifi in our home -
electronic technology
the year that i learned how to drive