Timeline of Movies - Emiliano Molina

  • Invention of the kinetoscope

    Invention of the kinetoscope
    The first prototype of the kinetoscope was created, made by Thomas Edison's company.
  • The first public demonstration of the Kinetoscope

  • The first moving images

    The first moving images
    The Lumiere brothers were the first to present moving images, in Paris, France. What they used was the Cinématographe.
  • The first time color was incorporated into the cinema.

    The first time color was incorporated into the cinema.
    The Kinemacolor process was the first to color movies. This was done at the time the movie was showing. Kinemacolor was primarily used for documentary (or ‘actuality’) films
  • Was adopted as the worldwide industry standard. Width-to-height of the picture had a relationship — known as the aspect ratio — of 4: 3 or 1.33: 1.

    Was adopted as the worldwide industry standard. Width-to-height of the picture had a relationship — known as the aspect ratio — of 4: 3 or 1.33: 1.
  • The first attempt at adding sound in movies.

    The first attempt at adding sound in movies.
    It was at the premiere of the movie Jazz Singer, he used the Warner Brothers Vitaphone system.
  • Most of the movies has sound and color.

    Most of the movies has sound and color.
  • Change in the screen of cinema.

    With the advent of optical sound, the aspect ratio was adjusted to 1.37:1.
  • Cinema growth

    Cinema growth
    In those years it was the pinnacle of cinema because it was the main form of popular entertainment, and people often went to theaters twice a week. They could hold more than 3,000 people in a single auditorium.
  • 3D

    From 1950 onwards an attempt has been made to incorporate the 3rd dimension. But nowadays due to the availability of digital technologies, a lot has been invested in 3D productions more than in other years.
  • Fall of the cinema

    Fall of the cinema
    From 1980 until the end of the 2000s, the cinema audience fell due to the fact that users saw the movies through the internet, on subscription platforms.