

  • Period: Jan 1, 886 to

    The Beginning of Media

    The first evidence of the existence of media can be traced back to dramas of the ancient times. This was the first time that a piece of media was "broadcasted" to a live audience. A book that was printed called the "Diamond Sutra" was printed in China. However, paper in China was expensive, so the Chinese acquired popular prints from Europe.
  • Nov 18, 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    The printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, based on existing screw presses. This also enabled a larger scale of publication of books and newspapers.
  • Newspapers

    The idea was first developed in 1620, but the first example of this form of media was in 1620. However, printing presses weren't as fast at the time, so this wasn't "massively" produced.
  • Newspapers Pt.2

    Newspapers Pt.2
    It was during the 19th century that newspapers were able to be produced to a wider audience. High circulation started in London with "The Times" and were made possible by the invention of high-speed rotary steam printing presses, and railroads which allowed large-scale distribution over wide geographical areas. The increase in circulation, however, led to a decline in feedback and interactivity from the readership, making newspapers a more one-way medium.
  • Coinage

    The term "Mass Media" began being used during the 1920's, around WWI. The notion of mass media was generally restricted to print media, but as WWII rolled around, it diversified into other mediums like radio. Audio audio became a popular medium, as it engaged the audiences. Television and radio was popular to to the fact that they can be passively enjoyed in the background without having to consume too much attention from other tasks.
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    The effect of media can influence public opinion, and at this time, it had the use of conforming society, forcing to think differently about the war and to support the war. The government had influence over the radio and print media at this time. If unnecessary was to be released, such as the result of losing the war be the destruction of the people's homes, the public would go mad and there would be panic. That is why it was so important to manipulate people into supporting he war.
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    The Media Today

    The mass media was driven with the evolution of technology. The internet had become a prominent aspect in the diversity and influence of media all over the world. Old mediums like books and newspapers are able to to be produced faster than before, and appeals to wider audience for cheaper prices. The creation social media allows communication between two people and express opinions, or share information online. At this point, more than half the world are connected online