800 BCE
This is considered as the oldest philosophy of Western culture which started around 800 BC. It refers ti the world of mind and ideas, where reason is primary. Plato, a Greek philosopher, was called as the "father of idealism". -
384 BCE
This can be considered the antithesis of idealism, whereby "the Univerese exists whether mind perceives it or not." It began around 384 BCwith Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, as the "father". -
This would date to the time of Thomas Aquinas, and is also known as theistic realism, whereby "God exists and can be known through faith and reason". -
Also known as "experimentalism" or experience of things that work. Auguste Comte is one of the leading proponents during this time. -
Appeared as a revolt againts mathematical, scientific philosophies that preceeded it. Soren Kierkegaard is one of the leading proponents of this time. -
Analytic Philosophy
It sought out to clarify and define philosophies. This began in post-World War 1 era and studied alienation between philosophy and science. It established the concept of logical positivism, that is, there are logical and empirical types of scientific expression. Analytic philosophy has recently focused on political philosophy, ethics, and philosophy of the human sciences.