A Timeline of My Life

  • Mom

  • Parents

  • Birth

    Born at West Hills Hospital, CA.
    Born into American culture, but my parents are:
    Dad- Stephen Zimmitti, Italian.
    Mom- Katherine Zimmitti, Middle Eastern.
    Lived in the same house all my life in Woodland Hills. My dad is the only one that worked.
  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Erikson, trust vs mistrust.
    I grew up in a nurturing household with my mom, dad, and sister.
    From when I was born to about age 5 I didn't use a pacifier and instead sucked my thumb.
    I started preschool at age 2 at Woodland Hills Private School.
    My parents raised an authoritarian family and were very involved in my life at a young age, especially because I was their first child.
  • Sister born

    Sister born
    Younger sister Julia Zimmitti
    Born at West Hills Hospital, CA.
  • Dad

  • Preschool

  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Piaget, concrete operational
    Started kindergarten also at Woodland Hills Private School. I learned to read, write, and basic math. I began to develop my own opinions and independence. I wanted to find a sport that I was good at and began playing softball at age 7. My parents were very supportive and I did love the game. I tried many sports and activities during these years such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, girl scouts, and more.
  • Softball

  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Erikson, identity vs role confusion.
    During these stages of my life, I began Chaminade Middle School. I transitioned from a very small school and had to teach myself new things. I learned many things at the middle school academically and socially. It partially shaped who I am today including the friends I made who I am still close with today. I have learned a lot about myself and those around me throughout the years. I started figuring out the person I wanted to become.
  • Friends

  • Today

  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Kohlberg, social contract and individual rights
    During this time, I have learned a lot about myself, who I am, and how I affect others. I want to be the best person I can and will continue to strive for that in the next few years of my life. This time is a time of self-development and figuring what I want to do with my life. Next year I will start driving, and then later on applying for colleges. I want to go to NYU or maybe UCSB. I hope to find something I am really skilled at.
  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Elkind, indecisiveness.
    During college, I strive to find something I am passionate about. I will have to make many life-changing decisions after college about what I want to do with my life. Right now I think it would be cool to be a fashion designer or something similar but that may change. I will have the responsibility of owning a house and raising myself. One day I will find someone whom I want to spend to rest of my life with. At age 26-27 I want to get married and travel.
  • Wedding

  • Career

  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Erikson, intimacy vs isolation
    At age 30 I hope to have kids and begin to start a happy family. I'll have 3 kids and build a loving, comfortable environment. I will be involved in their lives but as they grow up teach them the independence and skills I was once taught. At this time in my life, I would like to be still pursuing my career, raise a family, and maintain my social life. By doing this, I will teach myself to keep a balance in life and try not to deal with any negativity
  • Family

  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Kohlberg, universal ethics and principals
    When my kids start to get older and move away my life will change. I will have more time to myself and focus on the important things in my life. I will have gained wisdom at this time and will use the power I have to impact humanity in any way. I will go back to the little things in life that make me happy. I seek to bring other's joy and help those in need. My parents and sister are very important to me to keep a close connection with them
  • Home

    I will live in a big home in New York with a beautiful view.
  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Erikson, generation vs stagnation
    In this generation, it will be starting 2050. So many of our everyday objects will improve and our whole perspective on life will be different. I will appreciate the little things in life and not take anything for granted because the world may be going through anything. My kids will eventually have their own kids around this time and I will have grandchildren. I will stay very family oriented and take more time off to spend with those whom I love.
  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Piaget, formal operational
    By around the age of 60, I will retire from my job but still like to do something with my life. I can just do something like art or cooking but still have an activity to do. I need somewhere to put my time, energy, and talent. I will have good relationships with the people in my life and within myself. I will care for them as they will for me.
  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Erikson, integrity of life
    As I get older, things change about me physically and mentally. I will start to have less worries and responsibilities in my life. I'll care about fewer things, and really only care about my family and close friends and surround myself around those who care about me. I will care for those while I still can and reflect my wisdom on others. At the age of 80, I will live alone with my husband in a small home and we will take care of each other.
  • Period: to


    Stage Theory: Erikson, integrity of life
    During this period of my life, I will feel like a different person. I may be weaker but I am still the same person. I will need the people whom I, my whole life have cared for, to do the same in return. I will tell others my perception of the world and how my life has been. I have been through histroical events, natural disaters and more. I want my life to be remebered postivly and for all the good things I have done in life.
  • Death

    I shall pass away peacefuly, rembered by those I loved.