Timeline of Influences

  • My first sketchbook (2009)

    My first sketchbook (2009)
    I've always struggled to open up to people, to say the things I needed to say. I still do. Why? I'm afraid of facing consequences. I always ask myself "what if". What if this turns out bad? But, when I got my sketchbook, that changed so much. I knew what I wanted, I wanted to display my thoughts and feelings for people to see. To understand my experiences just by simply looking at a canvas representing emotions. I went from struggling to opening up in my own way.
  • Nexus

  • Admitting a Certain Crush

    Admitting a Certain Crush
    This was very awakening and made me realise, kinda. At first, I was in denial. I was confused and I didn't know why I felt this way. It was different because it was a girl. I felt at ease around her and I craved her presence. My stomach felt overwhelmed with butterflies and my heart wouldn't stop fluttering. When I admitted it, I was stressed out never once that time was my mind less busy than it was. But when she left, I realised, I was really in love.
  • Love, Simon

    Love, Simon
    This movie gave me confidence. Enough confidence to come out to my sister. It was night, I was tired but she took it well, accepted me, and I'm glad I can trust her. She has been there for me, walked in on me sobbing and gave me a shoulder to cry on. Then I opened up more and told my cousin, who just turned out to be gay too, and I'm glad I did. I'm glad I'm surrounded by people who love me and I hope one day, I'll think of them when I tell the world who I am, proudly.