french revolution

  • Financial Crisis

    Financial Crisis
    With bad harvests in 1787 and 1788, this led the country to grow into poverty
  • The start to the French Revolution

    The start to the French Revolution
    Move aside America, its time for the French to get super mad and have a revolution.

    Well the kings head is gone, where it go? Ask the Jacobins. How do you solve a country’s economic crisis? Chop the kings head off obviously. Maybe we should try that who knows, make some orange juice. Sorry. He went out very peacefully with a um guillotine
  • Meeting of Estates General

    Meeting of Estates General
    So Louis XVI had a idea, hes like "cool lets have a meeting of estates general, and the first and second estates will have 300 representetives, and the third one will have 600 (crazy).
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    The new constitution set up a limited monarchy. Theres still a king, but a legislative assembly would make the laws.
  • War with Austria

    War with Austria
    The other European leaders were quivering in their boots that whats happening in France will happen in their countries. Austria and Prussia threatened to put their king back in full power again, and France was like hell no. So they took the first step and declared war on Austria
  • Rise of the Paris Commune

    Rise of the Paris Commune
    Angry citizens demonstrated to protest food shortages and defeats in the war. They declared themselves a commune and organized a mob attack on the royal palace and legislative assembly.
  • National Convection

    National Convection
    The newly elected National Convection began meeting.
  • Revolts

    Revolts begin in western France, counter-revolutionaries executed, anti catholic laws passed
  • Introducing the Revolutionary Army

    Introducing the Revolutionary Army
    In less than a year, the new cool French government raised a huge army, it had a million soldiers. Oh jeez. Pushed all the invaders back. Largest army Europe had ever laid their eyes on. Kicked the Austrians and Dutch back two times. CrAzy.
  • France is doing pretty good ngl

    France is doing pretty good ngl
    Maybe that head choppy off thing was a good idea. France deafeted their foreign foes. But later on that year our guy Robespierre died, and our other guy Jacobins lost power.
  • The new and improved constitution

    The new and improved constitution
    To keep one party from getting control, they made a new constitution with two legislative houses.