TImeline of Healthy Eating

  • The day you begin exercising (6:00 PM)

    At 6:00 PM you go to the gym to begin exercising
  • The day you begin exercising (7:00 PM)

    Within one hour! Exercise elevates your immune system fighting off colds, flu, and other ailments.
  • The day after you began exercising!

    Since that first session that you have increased your heart rate which helps boost your immune system for up to 24 hours. Post-exercise dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine flood your brain for hours afterwards giving you a feeling of zen and peacefulness.
  • One week of regular exercise!

    Within one week of regular exercise you become more sensitive to insulin reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes. You increase your VO2 max by approximately 5 percent. Which means your endurance and aerobic fitness is improving allowing you to go a little longer and harder.
  • After one month of regular exercise!

    Your muscular endurance is starting to noticeably increase and you are able to add repetitions to your set. After about four weeks of regular workouts your body is leaning out and replacing flab with muscle increasing your metabolism while you are at rest. Your brain is forming new cells due to the growth stimulating proteins produced by exercise.
  • 8 weeks of regular exercise!

    After eight to 12 weeks your endurance and aerobic fitness can improve by approximately 25 percent. Your heart pumps more efficiently lowering your resting heart rate. Your cells are able to break down fat more efficiently and uses it for energy rather than store it. Exercise has been found to reduce the risk of breast, endometrial, lung, and ovarian cancers.