331 BCE
Jerusalem conquered by Alexander the Great
200 BCE
Seleucids gained control over Judea
175 BCE
Antiochus Epiphanes is new Seleucid ruler
175 BCE
Antiochus doubled taxes on Jews
175 BCE
Jason bribes Antiochus to become the High Priest
175 BCE
Jason makes Jerusalem more Greek
170 BCE
Menelaus bribes Antiochus to become high priest
169 BCE
Menelaus has Onias (Hanan) killed
169 BCE
Jason (Joshua) revolts against Meleaus
169 BCE
Civil war breaks out
169 BCE
Antiochus occupies Jerusalem with army
164 BCE
Jews recapture Jerusalem and purify temple
161 BCE
Judah dies
141 BCE
Seleucid fortress in Jerusalem destroyed