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Timeline of Exposure in Media

  • Camera

    I was three years old when I was exposed to camera when my mother got her own camera, she used to take pictures of us to accumulate memories.
  • Television

    My exposure on television when I was five years old, even I don’t understand what being has played in TV it entertains me and have fun watching cartoons.
  • Learning Materials

    Learning Materials
    When I was 6 years old, I have to go to school to study, so I was exposed in to reading books, papers and pencil to learn how to read and write.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    Mobile phone is important to be a useful way for communicating with other people, but I am exposed to mobile phone but used to play games only.
  • Music

    Radio and Amplifier teaches me how to listen and love music when I was exposed to this media device.
  • Cd games

    Cd games
    I was used to play CD games when I was 9 years old, it gives us entertainment and the benefit of it was family bonding.
  • Computers and Printers

    Computers and Printers
    Since we students must do our encoded projects, I teach myself how to use computer in computer shop in order to do my assignments and requirements.
  • Android Phones

    Android Phones
    I used android phones to communicate with my parents, friends and others, this may be an entertainment if boredom strikes me.
  • Laptop

    Since I had told to my mother I must need to have my own laptop for research subject, I was exposed using this to do my research project and for learning.
  • Cinema

    It’s my first time to enter a cinema last year for the mandatory film viewing.