
Timeline of events

  • 1933

    The regime established the first concentration camps, imprisoning its political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  • 1938

    All Jewish pupils were expelled from German schools. One billion Marks fine levied against German Jews for the destruction of property during Kristallnacht
  • 1939

    Germany invaded Poland. Nazi Germany and its allies conquered much of Europe. German officials confiscated Jewish property, in many places required Jews to wear identifying armbands,
  • 1941

    Gas vans also appeared on the eastern front in late fall 1941. the German army carried out mass shootings as it advanced into Soviet lands.
  • 1942

    troops uncovered the full extent of crimes committed during the Holocaust.
  • 1945

    By the end of the war in spring in1945, the Germans and their Axis partners were pushed back on both fronts,
  • After1945

    The Germans and their collaborators had murdered six million European Jews as part of a systematic plan of genocide the Holocaust.
  • Before 1933

    Before 1933
    The years the continent struggled was to recover from the death or injury of tens of millions of soldiers and civilians, as well as catastrophic damage to property and industry